The Visits and Events Division (DPG/BE) - NL Host Nation
The Visits and Events Division (DPG/BE)
The Visits and Events Division of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DPG/BE) is responsible for the overall organization and logistics of incoming visits by heads of state and government, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and heads of international organizations (UN, EU and NATO). It also assists embassies with transits at Schiphol Airport and requests for weapen liasons. For the procedure of agrément and accreditation of new appointed ambassadors DPG/BE is the first point of contact for embassies.

Bob Aal
Mr Bob Aal facilitates and coordinates incoming visits by foreign dignitaries.

Myriam Blaauw
Ms Myriam Blaauw oversees the accreditation process for new ambassadors and coordinates farewell audiences and receptions for outgoing ambassadors. She also coordinates events involving the diplomatic corps.

Marco Braeken
Mr Marco Braeken prepares state visits and assists the Director and Deputy Director. He also serves as the liaison between DPG and the Royal Household.

Alieke van Engeland - Bunt
Ms Alieke van Engeland-Bunt is involved in the logistical preparation and organisation of incoming visits by foreign dignitaries. Her remit also includes applications for royal honours for those living abroad.

Esther Madhoeban
Ms Esther Madhoeban is involved in the logistical preparation and organisation of incoming visits by foreign dignitaries.

Ruude de Ram
Mr Ruud de Ram provides logistical support for incoming visits. He is also responsible for managing flags and gifts, and assessing applications for Ministry of Foreign Affairs awards.

Anne - Sophie Sprenger
Ms Anne-Sophie Sprenger is involved in the logistical preparation and organisation of incoming visits by foreign dignitaries. Applications for royal honours for those living abroad also fall within her remit.

Marcella Zwagers
Ms Marcella Zwagers is involved in the logistical preparation and organisation of incoming visits by foreign dignitaries.

Ottilia Vroom
Ms Ottilia Vroom is oversees requests for arms permits relating to dignitaries who are not accompanied by DPG. She also oversees transit requests for dignitaries in the Netherlands.