Reporting obligations


For projects with a grant smaller than €25.000:
  • The Embassy is willing to focus mostly on the outcomes and long-term results. Therefore in case of such projects up to 3 online meetings will be organized (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the project). For the last meeting partners are requested to prepare a brief information about outcomes, results and plans for the future.
For projects with a grant above €25.000:
  • The grant recipient has to submit final narrative and financial reports (if required) within six weeks after the closure date of the project.
  • Up to 3 online meetings will be organized (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the project). 
  • The narrative report should include information on the realization of the project, planned activities vs. realized, unexpected encountered problems or successes, opinions of organizers and participants, lessons learned, future plans, photographs.
  • An innovative approach to the narrative report is appreciated.
  • The financial report should include a table of the final realized budget. Together with this information, the grant recipient on the request of the Embassy must submit copies of the original bills and other documents proving the expenditures have been made. 
  • The financial report should be prepared on the basis of approved budget. 
  • Please make sure that all expenditures reported in the file will have corresponding documents proving and justifying the expenditures.
  • Please try to present in your report all achievements in the most transparent way.
  • Both financial and narrative reports should be prepared in a transparent and clear way.

 General Requirements: 
  •  Final narrative (or a brief information about the outcomes and results – when appropriate) and financial reports must be prepared in English and submitted in electronic version (including scans of financial documents).
  • The Embassy reserves the right to inspect the project activities and project finances at any time during the project implementation. The Embassy takes also great care to see how partners are using the project results in their future activities. Therefore Embassy reserves the right to randomly ask for the long term results of the projects.
  • The Embassy reserves the right to resign from obligation of submission of financial report in case of projects with a grant above €25.000,00;  
  • Visibility is discussed with each partner separately.