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Connecting you with the Netherlands

Henk Jan Bakker
Henk Jan Bakker is ambassador-designate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Somalia since July 2024.
Netherlandsworldwide.nl has information on consular services such as applying for a Dutch passport or ID card, a visa or a certificate of residence. You will also find information about the Non-Residents Records Database (RNI) and voting from abroad.
Forced into marriage abroad?
Not everyone is free to choose their own partner. Parents or other family members may choose a partner and force you to marry them. Sometimes this is just with words, but it can also involve threats, blackmail and violence. If you feel like someone is making you get married or like you have no say in who you marry, this is a forced marriage.
What can I do if I am being forced to marry?
The steps you can take depend on where you are. Visit helpme247.nl for more information.