World Press Freedom Conference 2024 - Chile EN
World Press Freedom Conference 2024
New articles | 05-08-2024 | 20:34
This year, the Netherlands is the proud chair of the “Freedom Online Coalition”. Together with 39 member states and our advisory network, we address the challenges and opportunities of digital technologies and promote human rights in the digital realm.
Last week Ambassador Carmen Gonsalves gave the opening remarks at the panel session “Shaping a positive and inclusive vision for the online information ecosystem” within the framework of the International Press Freedom Conference in Santiago.
The main themes of the session touched on Online Information Integrity and Internet Shutdowns and explored the root causes of the deterioration of information integrity, with a specific focus on the spread of disinformation and the use of Internet shutdowns. The panellists further explored how these challenges can be addressed to support efforts to promote a positive and inclusive vision for the online information ecosystem.
During the same week, Ambassador Gonsalves participated, together with Dieuwke Vos from the Directorate for Multilateral Institutions and Human Rights of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a roundtable on effective investigations of crimes against journalists with the leaders of the Media Freedom Coalition and legal experts from civil society.
The Media Freedom Coalition is committed to working together to promote media freedom. The safety of journalists and the fight against impunity for crimes against journalists is an essential part of this. In this framework, the Netherlands has engaged Dr. Gabriele Chlevickaite from the Asser Institute and Dr. Maarten Bolhuis from the VU University Amsterdam to conduct a research study on a possible international working group for more effective investigations into the murders of journalists.
This year, the Netherlands is the proud chair of the “Freedom Online Coalition”. Together with 39 member states and our advisory network, we address the challenges and opportunities of digital technologies and promote human rights in the digital realm.
Last week Ambassador Carmen Gonsalves gave the opening remarks at the panel session “Shaping a positive and inclusive vision for the online information ecosystem” within the framework of the International Press Freedom Conference in Santiago.
The main themes of the session touched on Online Information Integrity and Internet Shutdowns and explored the root causes of the deterioration of information integrity, with a specific focus on the spread of disinformation and the use of Internet shutdowns. The panellists further explored how these challenges can be addressed to support efforts to promote a positive and inclusive vision for the online information ecosystem.
During the same week, Ambassador Gonsalves participated, together with Dieuwke Vos from the Directorate for Multilateral Institutions and Human Rights of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a roundtable on effective investigations of crimes against journalists with the leaders of the Media Freedom Coalition and legal experts from civil society.
The Media Freedom Coalition is committed to working together to promote media freedom. The safety of journalists and the fight against impunity for crimes against journalists is an essential part of this. In this framework, the Netherlands has engaged Dr. Gabriele Chlevickaite from the Asser Institute and Dr. Maarten Bolhuis from the VU University Amsterdam to conduct a research study on a possible international working group for more effective investigations into the murders of journalists.