Customs department

The Dutch Customs Administration is part of the Ministry of Finance, and is represented by a Customs Attaché at the embassy in Beijing.

The customs attaché mainly contributes to further intensify and extend the fruitful bilateral working relationship that exists between the Dutch and China Customs since 1991. Whereas in the past it started with trainings (focus on day to day Customs work), the long-term cooperation with China Customs is developing further towards a higher level of mutual experience sharing in a broader sense.
The customs work also contains facilitating trade for the business while dealing with law enforcement aspects (where applicable under the umbrella of the EU program).
Additionally, some work also relates to bilateral cooperation between the Netherlands and China Tax authorities.
For information about customs matters, please contact the customs telephone in the Netherlands. More information about importing and exporting can be found on the page doing business in China.

Contact details Customs Attaché




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