Contact embassy in Prague


Daan F. Huisinga

Gotthardska 6/27
160 00 Prague 6 - Bubenec




Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form (for non-consular inquiries only).

For consular services (e.g. travel documents, visa, Dutch passport, certificate of residence or travelling to the Netherlands), please check the website of NetherlandsWorldwide.

Opening hours
Monday to Friday:
9.00 - 17.00 hours

Closing days                                                               The embassy will be closed on the following days:                                                                                        1. January - New Year's Day                                        18. April - Good Friday                                                  21. April - Easter Monday                                            1. May - Labour Day                                                      5. May - Liberation Day NL                                          8. May - Liberation Day CZ                                        29. May - Ascension Day                                            9. June - Pentecost                                                    28. October - Day of Czech Statehood                  17. November - Freedom and Democracy Day 24. December - Christmas                                          25. December - Christmas                                          26. December - Christmas

Location of the embassy

Map data © OpenStreetMap & contributors

Embassy, Gotthardska 6/27 160 00 Prague 6 - Bubenec, Czech Republic

Time difference with the Netherlands

Daylight saving time: no time difference – Standard time: +1 hour