Using the Dutch residence

You can use the residence for a product launch, a business dinner or set up a networking event for your key clients in a prestigious environment. Read the guidelines and/or contact us for more information.

Villa Kleineh in Kaivopuisto, Helsinki

The residence of the Dutch embassy in the heart of Kaivopuisto is a beautiful monumental wooden house. For Dutch companies, organisations and their Finnish subsidiaries we offer the opportunity to make use of this special venue.

In the Use the Residence concept, the venue is rent-free. All other costs such as catering are to be covered by the event organiser.

For more information and guidelines, please read the guidelines below and/or use the contact form.

Use the Residence - Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in hosting your event at the Residence of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Finland. In this document, a number of recommendations and points of attention are listed. In general, we advise you to get in touch with us for an initial meeting (with an outline of your proposed event and target group). This should provide you with enough information to get things moving. Provided with this document you can find a process & checklist. We invite you to follow this list so that we can process your inquiry in good order. The event has to be approved by the Embassy before a definite reservation can be made. The event should be in line with the image of the Embassy and appropriate for the venue. To schedule a meeting, and in case of any questions that may arise, you can e-mail us.

General planning

We would like to remind you that the venue has limited space. The following capacity limitations apply:
  • For a sit-down lunch/dinner: max. 18 people o For a buffet lunch/dinner: max. 50 people
  • For a reception/cocktail: max. 70-80 people o For a sit-down seminar: max. 25-30 chairs/people
  • The cloakroom has room for approximately 50 coats
Depending on the nature of the event, a small administrative fee may be charged.
In certain cases you may have to provide AV equipment, extra seating, tableware etc. yourself.
Please note that either the Ambassador or a member of the Embassy staff will be present at the event.

Guest list & invitations

  • We are happy to provide you with recommendations for additional invitees, should you so wish.
  • We would like to ask you to not send out invitations or “save the dates” before the guest list, programme and the actual invitation have been reviewed and approved by the Embassy.
  • It is not allowed to charge a fee from your guests. The Residence is a rent-free space, and its events should also be free for the guests.
  • Although the Ambassador may act as a co-host to the event, in most cases the invitations will be sent in the name of your organization, not the Embassy

Catering and staff

  • Please share the selection of your caterer with us for approval. We are happy to provide you with recommendations depending on your event needs.
  • We kindly ask you to check your proposed catering staff plans and menu with us (see process & checklist). The Residence will have one staff member available for supervision.

Use the Residence – process & checklist

Step 1

Please send your proposed event date and proposed outline to your embassy contact for preliminary reservation of the Residence.
Based on your inquiry, we will contact you to inform you whether the date & type of event are suitable. If yes, we proceed to the next step. 

Step 2

We kindly ask you to send a more detailed programme of the event to your contact at the Embassy, including: 
  • A timeframe of the event
  • A draft programme (speakers, catering etc.)
  • The target group
Sign the Use the Residence user agreement.
Please send the guest list and invitation draft for Embassy approval.

Step 3 

Send out the invitations, after approval of the Embassy.

Step 4

Discuss practicalities of the event with the Embassy staff, including:
  • Layout of the event space
  • Delivery/arrival schedules of possible additional equipment, provided by you.
  • The potential administrative fee
Discuss catering of the event with the Embassy staff, including:
  • Selection of caterer
  • Menu, refreshments, table ware, decorations
  • Staff requirements
  • Layout of catering
  • Schedules of arrival and departure of caterer
  • Possible meeting between the caterer and Embassy staff at the Residence.