Interview with Peter Smit - Inscripta - Finland

Interview with Peter Smit - Inscripta

'Try to understand where you are, adapt to the situation and culture but stay close to yourself and your values!'

What does your company do and which products or services do you offer?

We offer speech recognition solutions, primarily for the healthcare sector. We help medical professionals to make their documentation work more efficient. The company is a called Inscripta.


How did you end up in Finland?

In 2007 I was an exchange student in Finland, in Turku, for four months in 2007 and there I met a ‘Finse schone’. The classic story. 😊 In 2008 I moved to Finland. In between we have lived in the Netherlands also for three years.

How did you start your own business?

I worked/studied at Aalto University during 2008-2018. During that time I finished a Master’s in machine learning and completed a PhD in speech and language technology.

I started working in a startup (Inscripta) as an engineer. After a couple of years the opportunity arised to take over the reins in the company and that’s how it became (partly) my own business. In two years’ time I was able to turn the company into a profitable business. It is our goal to grow bigger in the Finnish market, and we are looking into expanding to other countries.

Do you also have experience with running your own company in the Netherlands?

Not very much. In the past I have done some light entrepreneurial work.

While working for Inscripta, I worked from the Netherlands for several years as well. I didn’t have to set up the company there, but it did bring certain challenges which had to be solved and figured out. There some ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ definitely helped me. 😉
I come from a farmer’s family and that is where I learned the kind of entrepreneurial mindset and spirit.

What are the major differences and similarities in the field of entrepreneurship between the Netherlands and Finland?

In Finland the rules are more uniform and usually rules are being followed.
In Finland financial support (subsidies) are more centralized and more clear.
Contact with customers is pretty similar in the Netherlands and Finland. A good relation with the customer is very important and helps to work on long term commitments.
The Finnish market is more conservative. You definitely need to master the Finnish language, especially in the public sector. Being a foreigner has its pros and cons. On one hand, it is harder to enter very conservative Finnish-speaking environments. On the other hand, once in, there is no pressure to confirm to all rules, habits and the culture.

Do you have any tips for other Dutch, or international, people who want to do business in Finland?

People in Finland are usually willing to help you. Use that and accept the help!
Try to really understand the Finnish culture.
Use the understanding of the Finnish culture to make sure you build a good culture in your (own) company..

A peek into the future: where do you see yourself and your company in 5 years?

In 5 years we would like to be present in the whole of Europe!

Anything else you would like to bring forward?

“Try to understand where you are, adapt to the situation and culture but stay close to yourself and your values!”

(1) Inscripta: Overview | LinkedIn