Budget for project proposals 2023 - Georgia

Budget for project proposals 2023

Please make sure to fill this budget form in an Excel document and use correct formula for calculating the expenses.
Name of the applicant organisation          
Name of the project                
Project timeframe (from day/month/year - to day/month/year)                
Date of submission of this version of the budget:                
Description of the budget item Cost per Unit_GEL Unit Number of units Total-GEL Co-funding Requested from  NL_GEL    
Project staff
(indicate the time that each staff member will spend on this project, in %)
-       0   0    
-       0   0    
-       0   0    
Subtotal for project staff       0   0    
Objective 1 (write here what this objective is)                
Result /activity 1.1 (as indicated in the proposal)                
cost 1       0   0    
cost 2       0   0    
etc       0   0    
Result /activity 1.2                
cost 1       0   0    
cost 2       0   0    
etc       0   0    
Result /activity 1.3                
cost 1       0   0    
cost 2       0   0    
etc       0   0    
(Please continue with results if there are more in your proposal under this Objective; or remove empty lines)                
Subotal for Objective 1       0   0    
Objective 2 (write here what this objective is)                
Result /activity 2.1                
cost 1       0   0    
cost 2       0   0    
etc       0   0    
Result /activity 2.2                
cost 1       0   0    
cost 2       0   0    
etc       0   0    
Result /activity 2.3                
cost 1       0   0    
cost 2       0   0    
etc       0   0    
(Please continue with results if there are more in your proposal under this Objective)                
Subotal for Objective 2       0   0    
Please continue with as many Objectives as there are in your proposal                
Total direct project costs       0   0    
Overhead 7% of total direct project costs           0    
Total project costs           0