Call for expressions of interest for Economic Cooperation Initiatives - Georgia
Call for expressions of interest for Economic Cooperation Initiatives
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia is pleased to announce a focused call for expressions of interest for Economic Cooperation Initiatives aimed at promoting cooperation and exchanges between Georgian and Dutch private sector representatives. The Embassy has a limited budget available for this policy goal.
This call is open to organisations registered in Georgia interested in and capable of organizing one or more study visits for Georgian private sector partners/companies to their economic counterparts in the Netherlands in the period from March 2025 to December 2025.
To be proposed by the applicant, but ideally connected to the Embassy economic priority themes, which are agriculture (horticulture, dairy), transport and logistics. One applicant can propose up to three sectors.
Up to GEL 50,000 per study tour. (Co-funding with other donors is
Application: please send a short expression of
interest (preferably in English), outlining the type of activity you
would organize, information related to your organization’s capability
to organize such activity, and a generic budget via e-mail.
24 January 2025.
After receipt of the expressions of interest, the Embassy will select a select number of organizations to further discuss the proposals, with a view to signing an agreement.
For questions, please contact via e-mail.