Agriculture and Horticulture - Indonesia

Agriculture & Horticulture

A new trade, investment, and development cooperation strategy from the Netherlands aims to accelerate the transition to a green or digital economy and create sustainable local employment in 14 countries, including Indonesia. The collaboration promotes sustainable food systems to ensure food and nutrition security and socio-environmental and economic well-being.

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Sustainable Food Systems

The Netherlands, which has extensive experience in agricultural development and food system transformation around the world, will support Indonesia in achieving its ambitious agri-food sustainability goals.

Recognizing the enormous agricultural potential in Indonesia, the Netherlands focuses on the horticulture sector through the development of greenhouses with Dutch technology and know-how and contributes to the development of food estates in North Sumatra through the development of the NL Farm of the Future to support agricultural actors in the transition towards knowledge-intensive agriculture.

In addition, the Netherlands would also like to explore further collaboration on the post-harvest losses issue and in the field of digitalization in the agri-food sector.

Nature and Biodiversity

In addition to the food systems approach in Indonesia, nature and biodiversity remain a strategic focus for our team, particularly sustainable palm oil production and agroforestry. Palm oil is vital to the Indonesian economy, not only for generating national income but also for supporting the livelihoods of smallholders.

The Netherlands is one of Indonesia's most important economic partners and one of the largest palm oil export destinations in the European Union. These facts prove that palm oil contributes to the economies of both countries. The Netherlands initiative in the field of sustainable palm oil is the SustainPalm program and National Initiatives for Sustainable and Climate-smart Oil Palm Smallholders (NISCOPS) of which there will be a second phase in 2024-2029.

Regarding agroforestry, the Netherlands also contributes to scaling up agroforestry in Indonesia through several programs, such as agroforestry studies and Traction project .

Knowledge Infrastructure

Strengthening knowledge infrastructure is a fundamental step to facilitate the systemic transition towards sustainable food systems. Knowledge transfer and innovation, bilateral innovation cooperation, and partnerships are some of the key topics.

The Netherlands intends to contribute to improving human resource competencies by jointly building the right knowledge infrastructure for agricultural education in Indonesia.