Rule of law and Human rights - Indonesia

Security, Rule of Law & Human Rights

The Netherlands and Indonesia are close partners and share interests on security, rule of law and human rights. Therefore we work together to ensure safety and security in Indonesia and the region, enhance  the international rules based order, ensure legal certainty and access to justice for all and promote the fulfillment of human rights. 

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Collaboration in the fields of security and the rule of law

The Indonesia-Netherlands Security and Rule of Law Update (INLU) is a bi-annual event that articulates these strong ties and longstanding relations between people and institutions, the profound connections between security and rule of law practitioners in our two countries.

It provides a platform to discuss developments and topics that both countries face together, as well as how each country approaches similar issues domestically, such as promoting access to justice, modernizing legal education, efforts to improve data protection, budget accountability in the justice sector, and working together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to security and justice.

Empowering Women as Agents of Peace: Peace Villages 

Photo credit: UN Women/Satu Bumi Jaya

The Netherlands collaborates with UN Women on the Peace Villages Initiative to empower women and promote gender equality. In this groundbreaking programme, Indonesian women lead communal peacekeeping in 20 villages.

Communities that declare themselves Peace Villages pledge to eliminate violence, promote tolerance and social togetherness, and empower women to lead these initiatives. Women may lead social inclusion, gender equality, and violent extremism prevention this manner. UN Women and the Wahid Foundation started the Peace Village initiative in 2017. Now, multiple villages throughout Indonesia have declared themselves as piece villages, with a combined citizenry of over 300.000.

Empowering young religious leaders and communities towards a sustainable future:   the Religious Environmentalism Actions project

Religious movements can help spread public awareness about climate change issues. Together with Pusat Pengkajian Islam & Masyarakat of Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands works on promoting religious environmentalism in Indonesia.

By empowering young religious leaders and communities, they can become actors in global efforts for a sustainable future. With the support of the Embassy, the Religious Environmentalism Actions (REACT) project targets thousands of religious leaders and activists throughout Indonesia and supports research and public campaigns on religious environmentalism.

Civil law settlements to compensate the widows and children of victims of mass executions in the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia, 1945­-1949

The Dutch State has established a settlement scheme to compensate the widows and children of victims of summary executions in the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia. In case you have questions about the scheme’s history, conditions for eligibility for compensation, the compensation amount, submission deadline or submission procedure, please find more information here: