Advancing Waste Collection and Sorting Facilities in Ambon

News item | 29-02-2024 | 08:30

At the end of 2023, our Economic Department team was in Ambon to visit a demonstration of a smart waste project implemented by a Dutch and Indonesian consortium within the Plastics in Circle program.

At the end of 2023, our Economic Department team was in Ambon to visit a demonstration of a smart waste project implemented by a Dutch and Indonesian consortium within the Plastics in Circle program. The project aims to showcase Dutch waste collection and sorting best practices while adapting to the local context of Ambon.

Here are some of the highlights of the project:

  1. Five waste collection points are built to replace the temporary open dumpsites and reach about 2,000 households where they can separate recyclable and non-recyclable (mixed) waste;
  2. The recyclable materials are transported using a compact truck from Geesinknorba to the waste segregation facility;
  3. At the segregation facility, the materials are sorted into 21 types and transferred to local recycling facilities;
  4. Almost 1,000 tons of waste have been processed during the period of the project. A digital app is utilized to monitor operational data and financial performance.
  5. In addition, awareness-raising on the importance of sorting waste from the source continues to be promoted by local partners.

Kudos to SweepSmart, GeesinkNorba, local partners Green Moluccas and PT Million Limbah Ambon, as well as the City Government of Ambon, for their unwavering efforts to make Ambon a cleaner and healthier place.

Waste collecting in Ambon, Indonesia.