Climate Justice in Seasons - Classical Music Concert by TheDutchBrewhouse - Indonesia
20 Mar Climate Justice in Seasons - Classical Music Concert by TheDutchBrewhouse
How does Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” sound in a climate changing world? Come and see TheDutchBrewhouse explore this theme through music! 🍂🎻🎵
Erasmus Huis presents
Classical Music Concert by TheDutchBrewhouse
Watch their concerts on the following schedule:
- Wednesday, March 12, 2025
19:00 WIB
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Auditorium Dr. S. Djojodihardjo
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
Blotongan, Salatiga
(UKSW shuttle bus from main campus to Blotongan is available for audience - limited seats)
- Sunday, March 16, 2025
16:00 WIB
Petra Christian University
Auditorium W
Jl. Siwalankerto No. 121-131
- Thursday, March 20, 2025
19:30 WIB
Erasmus Huis
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3
Jakarta Selatan
All the concerts are free of charge.
About TheDutchBrewhouse
How does Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” sound in the 21st century?
Written 300 years ago, the composition has defined our seasonal
experiences in concert halls. But as climate change is altering our
perception of seasons, violinist Lonneke van Straalen explores that
impact on the composition. She asked composers Trevor Grahl and
Anne-Maartje Lemereis to translate the current climate conditions into
music for a unique ensemble called TheDutchBrewhouse. “The Four
Seasons” will have new colors, blended with compositions by Grahl and
Lonneke van Straalen (born 1985) is known for her
daring and adventurous approach to music. In 2017 she founded the
Pynarello collective, which performed in Indonesia in 2019, making
classical music experience more playful and accessible. With her
latest project TheDutchBrewhouse, she collaborates with artists,
scientists, writers, and other inspiring individuals.
TheDutchBrewhouse consists of:
Lonneke van Straalen (solo violin)
Sasha Raikhlina
Laura Kieboom (violin)
Gijs Kramers (viola)
Geneviève Verhage (cello)
Wimian Hernandez Reyes (double bass)
Gijs Idema (electric guitar)