Fostering Mutual Understanding on Religious Tolerance

News item | 20-11-2023 | 09:31

Another important figure who visited Indonesia in November was Bea ten Tusscher, the Dutch Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief. Tolerance of religion and international collaboration are two priorities of the Netherlands, which she hopes to advance in her capacity as special ambassador.

She had the chance to meet fascinating people from various walks of life during her visits to Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Jombang. The heads of Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama were among those with whom she spoke. On the other hand, she became aware of the ways religion can be harnessed to combat climate change and other societal ills, and she even rode along with an NGO's bike ride to encourage more environmentally friendly modes of transportation. 

The Ambassador laid flowers on the grave of Gusdur, Indonesia's fourth president and a figure said to have been instrumental in the country's efforts to foster religious tolerance and moderation. A symbol of unification that will serve as an inspiration to many, she accomplished this with Inayah Wahid, one of Gusdur's daughters, and others of diverse faiths.