The World Press Photo Exhibition 2023, showcasing the most important photojournalism and documentary photography, is coming to Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
Erasmus Huis proudly presents
1-23 September 2023
Erasmus Huis
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.
Jakarta Selatan 12950
1-23 October 2023
Pendhapa Art Space
Jl. Prof. Dr.
Wirjono Projodikoro (Ring Road Selatan)
Tegal Krapyak RT.01,
Glugo, Panggungharjo
Kab. Bantul, Yogyakarta 55188
About World Press Photo Exhibition 2023
The World Press Photo Exhibition 2023 showcases last year’s best and
most important photojournalism and documentary photography. The
World Press Photo Exhibition 2023 invites viewers to step outside the
news cycle and think critically about important topics in our world.
For the 66th edition, more than 60,000 entries were submitted by 3,752 photographers from 127 countries, resulting in 24 regional winners and six honorable mentions - covering stories from the front lines of conflict, culture, identity, migration, memories of lost past and glimpses of near and distant futures. The exhibition connects the world to the stories that matter and invites its viewers to think critically about important topics in our world.
World Press Photo is one of the most famous exhibitions on photojournalism and documentary photography worldwide. Last year, the World Press Photo Foundation launched a new regional strategy, to offer a more global, inclusive and better geographic balance of perspectives.