Political department - Israel

Political department and press-related affairs

The political department closely monitors developments in Israel and in the region to inform Dutch politicians and policy makers, to identify opportunities for cooperation and to promote bilateral relations between the Netherlands and Israel.


The Netherlands and Israel have traditionally maintained good political relations. There is intensive contact between the two countries at the political and official level. This interaction concerns the political developments in Israel and the Middle East, the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians and human rights.

The Netherlands cooperates with Israel in various areas that are important for both countries, ranging from cybersecurity to children's rights. To this end, Dutch delegations regularly travel to Israel and vice versa to consult and learn from each other's experiences.

The Netherlands supports the efforts to establish a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The Netherlands is committed to a so-called two-state solution, in which a safe and internationally recognized Israel and an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state coexist in peace. The Dutch government rejects unilateral steps that do not contribute to the peace process.

The Dutch Prime Minister last visited Israel in October 2023. That same year, the Dutch Minister of Defense visited Israel. The year before, the Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Israel. In January 2020 His Majesty King Willem-Alexander attended the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, alongside other world leaders. A month later, Dutch Minister of International Cooperation and Development visited Israel, together with a Trade Mission.

In September 2016, the Israeli Prime Minister visited the Netherlands. He was received by – among others – His Majesty the King and the Prime Minister. The visit of the Israeli Prime Minister took place within the framework of the bilateral cooperation forum between the Netherlands and Israel. This cooperation forum was set up in 2013 to intensify relations between the two countries.

Press, Public Diplomacy and Culture

The press department maintains contact with Dutch correspondents in Israel and with the local press. Dutch and Israeli journalists can turn to the press department with questions about current themes or about Dutch policy.