'Together we cycle' in Italy during the European Mobility Week - Italy
'Together we cycle' in Italy during the European Mobility Week
It’s European Mobility Week, let’s talk about how we can make help create healthier and more livable cities! Our choices can contribute to reduce air and noise pollution and increase road safety. Even more, high-quality dedicated infrastructure (such as safe cycle paths and pedestrian areas) means social equity and a better quality of life.
During 6 events we bring some Dutch experiences to 5 Italian cities. The documentary-film ‘Together we cycle’ tells the story of how The Netherlands was and is coping with challenges related to urban mobility. Mobility means safer school streets, more pleasant public spaces and personal independence. In the end: every aspect of our daily lives.Come and join us at one of our events throughout Italy:
20 September – Cuneo
28 September – Milano
18 October –
24 October – Bologna
25 October – Reggio Emilia
13 November – Torino