Anne Frank – A History For Today - Italy

09 Mar Anne Frank – A History For Today

From March 9 to April 11, the international traveling tour Anne Frank – A History For Today gets to Museo Civico of Palazzo Romagnoli, in Forlì.

The Anne Frank exhibition, coordinated by the Anne Frank House, tells the story of Anne Frank against the background of the Holocaust and the Second World War, and it is accompanied by a catalogue, a DVD and a handbook for guides.

The exhibition aims not only to inform visitors about the history of the Holocaust from the perspective of Anne Frank and her family, but also to challenge visitors to think about concepts such as tolerance, mutual respect, human rights and democracy.

An interactive way to let children and young adults discover history and learn from it!


09 March 2024
- 11 April 2024
@ Museo Civico of Palazzo Romagnoli, in Forlì