La scoperta dell'Olanda. A year of books from the Netherlands

News item | 19-09-2024 | 14:46

The Italian public has a growing interest in Dutch literature. Reason to create a special program that presents leading authors of Dutch literature in Italy and strengthens the cultural ties between our countries.

Discovering Dutch literature

Throughout the years authors such as Cees Nooteboom, Jan Brokken and Kader Abdolah have been well received by both audiences and critics. Newer voices of Dutch literature such as Gerda Blees, Hanna Bervoets and Lucas Rijneveld also find their way to the Italian reader. Children's books by Annet Schaap, Anna Woltz and Enne Koens have won prestigious awards and great classics by Anne Frank, Gerard Reve, Willem Frederik Hermans, Bernlef and many others are (re)discovered.

La Scoperta dell'Olanda

La Scoperta dell'Olanda (The Discovery of Holland) is a new initiative of the Netherlands Foundation for Literature and the Embassy and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy to bring established and emerging voices of Dutch literature in Italy. From September 2024 to September 2025 fiction, non-fiction, poetry and graphic novels will be at the centre of a tour of presentations, workshops, artistic residencies, panels and more throughout Italy. 


La Scoperta dell'Olanda offers a busy calendar of unique events, developed in close collaboration with Italian publishers, festivals, book fairs and translators. Highlight of the program will be the Turin International Book Fair (May 15-19, 2025), where the Netherlands will be guests of honor.

The program begins at Pordenonelegge (Sept. 18-22) with guest authors Yorick Goldewijk, Rico Hop and journalist and historian Geert Mak to open the season. 
In October writer Edward van de Vendel will travel to Tuttestorie festival in Cagliari (Oct. 3-5) to dialogue about his book Misha and themes such as immigration and inclusion with school children and the general public. 
Special attention to the translation of literairy works is given by Stradelab. In October they will organise a translation workshop from Dutch into Italian, taking place in Rome with the participation of author Arnon Grunberg. Many other events will follow with a rich network of partners such as Museion (Bolzano) and Dedica Festival (Pordenone). The program is set to finish at Festivaletteratura Mantova in 2025.


The logo of this campaign has been designed by Dutch illustrator and designer Floor Rieder.  Mostly known for her children’s books, in 2014  she won the Dutch Golden Pencil prize for her children’s book debut Het raadsel van Alles wat Leeft (The Mystery of Life), by Jan Paul Schutten, which has been published in Italy by Ippocampo. Her work was awarded with many other prizes, and her books translated into more than fifteen languages.

Logo La Scoperta dell'Olanda

To discover upcoming events and the program, follow us on @olandiamo


La Scoperta dell'Olanda