Facility management and hospitality partner Netherlands pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka announced - Japan-en
Facility management and hospitality partner Netherlands pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka announced
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) have selected a partner to operate the Netherlands pavilion during Expo 2025 Osaka, Japan. Van Der Linde Food, Catering & Events will provide event management, security, cleaning, waste management and maintenance.
With less than a year to go until the opening of the World Expo in
Osaka, the Dutch participation is taking shape. With the signing of
the contract with Van Der Linde, an important operational partner has
been selected. Van Der Linde will provide the facility and hospitality
management in the pavilion. The facility management includes security,
cleaning, waste management and maintenance. The hospitality management
includes managing the public café during the pavilion's opening hours,
catering the events in the business lounge and operating the gift
shop. Van Der Linde will be working with several Dutch and Japanese
partners and suppliers. For example, Randstad Japan will take on the
recruitment and selection of staff, whileJEFF Co., the Japanese
partner, is responsible for the contract management of all Japanese
The theme of the Netherlands Pavilion at Expo
Osaka 2025 is 'Common Ground', with the aimto show visitors innovative
solutions in areas such as energy transition. The Netherlands
alsowants to offer companies, knowledge institutions and (cultural)
organisations a meeting place during Expo 2025. Events will be
organized in the pavilion by various Dutch sectors with the aim of
stimulating international cooperation and exchanging knowledge,
expertise and ideas. Sustainability and innovation are important
features in the participation. Van der Linde's operating concept fits
well with this. The company works as much as possible with 100%
organic, sustainably produced and fair trade products.
Der Linde was also the hospitality partner during the previous Expo
2020 in Dubai. Robin Van Der Schuyt, Managing Director at Van Der
Linde says:
The selection was made through a contract award procedure.