Development Cooperation

The Embassy’s delegated development cooperation program is currently in transition as the Embassy focusses increasingly on the promotion of trade and investment. The transition from aid to trade will sustain the impact of interventions in the areas of food security, water and security & rule of law while at the same time bringing in Dutch companies, expertise and technology.

Contact details


+254 20 4288 000

Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form
Name Function
Mr. Joris van Bommel Head of Trade & Development
Mr. Pim van der Male First Secretary Food Security and Water
Mrs. Marieke Hölscher First Secretary Economic Development
Mrs. Hellen Kuria Regional Climate Expert
Mrs. Rose Makenzi Policy Officer, Water & Food Security
Mrs. Iris Loonen First Secretary Political Affairs
Ms. Carolyne Abong Senior Policy Officer Security & Rule of Law
Mr. Johnstone Kuya Senior Policy Offcer Strategic Partnerships and Culture
Mr. Geoffrey Korir Senior Policy Officer Trade and Investment
Ms. Loes van der Velde
Ms. Amarins Gerlofsma
Ms. Viola Kilel
Policy Officer Economic Affairs