Financial Sector Visit - Kenya

Financial Sector Visit

News item | 03-05-2024 | 16:27

Between 5 – 9 February 2024, a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, FMO and Invest International from the Netherlands visited Kenya. The first part of the visit focused on the FMO portfolio, by visiting Sunking and Victory Farms amongst other things. It became clear that FMO investments generate a lot of development impact for local communities and the development of the Kenyan economy, partly through the use of digitalization and commitment to greening, innovation and access to financing. This results in impact. For example through the creation of jobs, contributions to food security and access to financing

The second part of the visit was devoted to further strengthening the trade and investment relationship with Kenya. To this end, meetings were held with various representatives from the National Treasury and the Ministry of Trade, Investments and Industry. The Netherlands is an important trade and investment partner for Kenya and this was also evident from the various meetings. 

Finally, a number of Invest International projects were visited. These projects often help Dutch entrepreneurs to meet their financing needs, such as within the Embassies priority sectors Agriculture, Agro-logistics, Health, Energy and Water.



Trade & Investment Team in Kenya