What we do - Lebanon

What we do

The political affairs department serves the Dutch political interests in Lebanon. The Netherlands maintains good bilateral relations with the Lebanese government and authorities, politicians, political parties, civil society and media.

Relevant areas of interest are the Lebanese internal political, social and economic developments but also the foreign policy of Lebanon and the role of Lebanon in international and regional developments.


International cooperation department


Trade and economy department

One of the core tasks of the embassy is the promotion of economic and trade relations between the Netherlands and Lebanon. The embassy introduces Dutch companies to local pendants or refers them to sectors in Lebanon that may offer succesful business opportunities. The priority sectors are Agriculture & Water, Agro-Food Industry, Design, Oil & Gas, Construction.

In addition, the embassy encourages local entrepreneurs to visit the Netherlands and, in this framework, organises trade missions directed at match-making negotiations in several Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands. Furthermore, the embassy circulates information related to important expositions taking place in the Netherlands.

The embassy also focuses on stimulating and enabling business environment in Lebanon as well as promoting entrepreneurship through the Private Sector Development programme (PSD). The overall objective of the PSD policy is the eradication of poverty by creating sustainable and inclusive economic development. The Netherlands therefore invests in ways to improve the business climate and strengthen the private sector in Lebanon while stimulating business development as a means to increase sustainable employment based on decent working conditions and a fair (living) wage. In doing so, the Netherlands cooperates with Dutch and international enterprises, civil society organizations and knowledge institutes. There are various instruments and programmes that are designed to facilitate private sector development.

The embassy works closely with the Lebanese Dutch Business Association (LDBA), an important partner in trade promotion.


Defence department

The defence attache represents the Dutch Ministry of Defence, Royal Netherlands Navy, Royal Netherlands Army, Royal Netherlands Air Force and Royal Netherlands Military Police in Lebanon. The defence department is the primary contact for issues concerning the Dutch ministry of defence.

The defence department also is the primary contact for Lebanese military (and industrial) representatives for issues concerning the Royal Netherlands Army, Navy, Air Force and Marechaussee.


Consulair affairs department

The consular affairs department provides consular services and consular assistance to Dutch citizens in Lebanon.

  • see our  contact details to book an appointment or contact the consular section. 


Press and public diplomacy department

The press and public diplomacy department provides information, press briefings, and the representation of the Netherlands in Lebanon.

As representative of the local and international press you can obtain information about the embassy, the Dutch policy and ongoing affairs in the Netherlands. You also can request background information and consultations with the ambassador or the embassy staff.


General affairs department

The general affairs department is engaged in the daily routine of the embassy, including the following activities: administration, personnel, maintenance of equipment, management of the buildings and cars as well as all kinds of logistic matters.