Defence and Security - Lithuania

Defence and Security

Image: ©Krašto apsaugos ministerija | Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania 

Lithuania and the Netherlands are strong and close security and defence partners. We are EU partners and NATO allies. The Netherlands has been a contributing nation to the NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) in Lithuanian since its inception in 2017. The Netherlands remains committed to the security of Lithuania, as the eFP contribution was prolonged again.  Moreover, our bilateral security cooperation extends from cyberspace and navy to countering hybrid threats.

Within the Embassy, security and defence cooperation is a key priority. The Ambassador, Defence Attache and the Political Military Advisor, working together as one team, promote the military ties between Lithuania and the Netherlands, explore and pursue opportunities for Lithuanian and Netherlands defence industries, and report and advise on political and security related developments in the broader region. 

As several Dutch ministers publicly stressed while visiting Lithuania, “Lithuania’s borders are also our borders”. This is where we commonly defend our freedom, security, and way of life, as NATO and EU partners. That makes Lithuania and the Netherlands #Stronger Together.