Visit on the Johan de Witt in Klaipeda - Lithuania

Visit on the Johan de Witt in Klaipeda

News item | 12-06-2024 | 09:00

Klaipėda is currently the safest port in the world, with dozens of European and U.S. Navy ships preparing for NATO Baltops military exercise in the Baltic Sea, starting this weekend.

Tour of the Johan de Witt

Nineteen NATO Allies, more than 50 ships and 85 aircrafts, and approximately 9,000 personnel will participate in BALTOPS 2024. With four Amphibious Task Groups and Multinational Task Units taking part, this is set to be the largest assembled coalition of amphibious forces in the Baltic Sea, as well as the largest assembled coalition of Mine Countermeasure forces in NATO.

Our Defense Attaché to the Baltic States Laine Den Hollander, his Assistant Egle Ilkevic, and the Netherlands Senior National Representative to the enhanced Forward Presence Alain Brocken visited the Koninklijke Marine Landing Platform Dock Johan de Witt. Together with the Commanding Officer Wilbert van Gemeren and senior leadership they exchanged information on the security situation of the region, followed by a tour showcasing the ship’s impressive capabilities.

This joint NATO security approach exemplifies the strong alliance between Lithuania, the Netherlands and other NATO members. Together, we ensure the security and stability for our region.