
Here you will find information about Dutch courses and translations. The embassy is not responsible for the services offered by the persons or organizations mentioned in these pages.
Jeroen Alst
Traductor and interpreter --Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Quintana Roo
Dutch<->Spanish, <->English, <->French, <->German <->Portugese
Vichuquén 41, MZ 29, SM 523, San Jerónimo III
Cancún, Quintana Roo.
Tel. +52 998 335 2031
Tel: +52 998 937 9290

Roel Blomsma
Translator --Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Quintana Roo
Dutch <-> Spanish

Cancún, Quintana Roo
Tel: +52 998 2184559

Isabelle Collas
Translator -Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Yucatán
Dutch <-> Spanish, <-> English
Mérida, Yucatán
Tel: +32 476313238

Frank Silkens
Translator and interpreter recognized by the Belgium Authorities
Spanish <-> Dutch, <-> English, <-> French, <-> German
Avenida Yucatán 92 int. 501
Col. Roma, Mexico-Stad
Tel: +52 55 8421 5981
Cel: +52 55 3223 9975

Laurent Slowack
Translator and interpreter - Poder Judicial del Estado de Coahuila
Spanish <-> Dutch, <-> English 
Saltillo, Coahuila
Cel: +52 844 417 1883
Malena van der Voort
Translator- Poder Judicial del Estado de Quintana Roo
Spanish <-> Dutch, <-> English, <-> French, <-> German
Emporium Translation Services
Playa del Carmen/Cancún, Quintana Roo
Tel: +52 984 204 8790
Yvonne Willems
Translator and interpreter -- Poder Judicial del Estado de Querétaro
Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro.
Spanish<>Dutch, English<>Spanish and English<>Dutch
Tel: +52 44 2553 6660 
Traducciones de Winter
Spanish <-> Dutch, <-> English, <-> German, <-> French
Avenida Horacio 528 int. 404
Col. Polanco, Mexico-City
Tel: +52 55 5545 5764
Tel: +52 55 5254 7446 

The Netherlands

Ineke Cats
Translator and teacher French/ Spanish/ Dutch
Kerkstraat 145
9745 CH Groningen (Hoogkerk-Noord)
Tel:  +31 50-55 66 464
Cel: +31 6 57 58 21 78
Twitter: @InekeCats

Nienke Dornseiffen
Translator Spanish – Dutch

H.L.M. Janssen, LL.M., M.A.
Translator Spanish and English / lawyer
Head Quaters in Amsterdam: Panamalaan 5M, 1019 AS Amsterdam
For contact in Mexico please check the website or send an e-mail.
Tel. +31 (20) 737 14 57
Cel: +31 (6) 2602 8972
Fax: +31 (20) 737 14 57

Olga van Rhijn
Taalbureau Tekstover
Waldeck Pyrmontlaan 9
6571 AW Berg en Dal
Nederland - Países Bajos
Cel:  +31 6 1070 9191
KvK 67169961

ISO-certified translators specialized in the agrofood branch
Kasteellaan 33
5932 AE Tegelen, Nederland
Tel: + 31 77 308 2829