Open Call 2025 - Mexico-en
Open Call 2025 - Embassy of the Netherlands in Mexico
Cultural organizations/professional artists from the Netherlands who wish to develop or promote cultural projects in Mexico can apply for funding from the Embassy of the Netherlands in Mexico. Proposals can be submitted for any relevant activity that is scheduled to take place in the year 2025. Mexican cultural organizations that are providing a platform for Dutch artists or designers can also apply.
How to apply?
Proposals for the Embassy of the Netherlands in Mexico 2025 Open Call should be sent to by Friday, January 17, 2025. The winning project will be announced in mid-February.
Please fill out the attached form which includes a detailed description of the planned activity, specifying dates and locations. In addition, a complete and detailed budget of all project costs must be included. Please also record a video (maximum 1 minute length) introducing yourself and summarizing your project, emphasizing the cultural relationship between Mexico and the Netherlands.
The Embassy of the Netherlands in Mexico offers a contribution of up to €10,000.00 for the winning project.
Requirements for financial support:
• The activity takes place in Mexico in 2025. Projects taking place outside Mexico City will be evaluated with special interest.
• The activity must not have taken place yet. Financial support cannot be granted after the activity has started or after the activity has already taken place.
• The activity will preferably create the basis for a long-term exchange between professionals from Mexico and the Netherlands.
• The application must justify how the activity helps to promote Dutch art/culture in Mexico and how it contributes to the artistic/professional development of the Dutch artist(s)/designer(s).
• Activities that align with the priorities of the Embassy of the Netherlands, such as women's rights, LGBTIQ+ community rights, water management and sustainability will be especially valued.