Orange the World: End violence against women now! - Mexico-en
Orange the World: End violence against women now!
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls on 25 November, the Embassy of the Netherlands joins #OrangeTheWorld. A global campaign to call attention to gender-based violence and spark a discussion through 16 days of activism.
Day after day, women are subjected to violence. Women and
girls we know. In the Netherlands, 45% of women will experience
physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives. Worldwide,
this number rises to one in three. This makes violence against women
one of the most widespread human rights violations worldwide.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Veldkamp underscores the urgency of
taking action:
"Violence against women is an everyday
reality. We have to act, and we have to act now, for all the women
who could face violence tomorrow. It is our shared responsibility,
of both women and men, of every single one of us."
The campaign takes its name from the colour orange, symbolizing a brighter, violence-free future. Each year, in over 100 countries, iconic buildings and landmarks are lit in orange, while events such as debates, exhibitions, and demonstrations are held to inspire action. Funds are also raised for the ‘Trust Fund to End Violence against Women’, the largest global fund to prevent and stop violence against women and girls.
Orange the World 2024: Femicide
This year, the campaign highlights femicide: the intentional killing of women and girls. Tens of thousands of women are murdered annually, often by an intimate partner or family member. This is the most brutal, visible, and extreme manifestation. The Netherlands is committed to the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls as a matter of human rights.
Making a difference in Mexico
In Mexico, the Netherlands works on promoting women's rights as part of our human rights priorities. Next to engaging in productive dialogue with Mexican government authorities, we are working closly with local civil society organizations on promoting women's rights in diferent ways.
One recent example of this, is the information session on access to safe abortion in Mexico that we organized in light of the 16 days of activism against violence against women. Togerther with the Belgian embassy, we invited IPAS Latin America & the Caribbean to share with the diplomatic community in Mexico the progress and challenges in access and right to safe abortion in the country. These informative sessions are essential not only to understand the current situation, but also to remember that the denial of women's reproductive rights constitutes one of the multiple forms of violence they face, particularly the most vulnerable communities, including indigenous populations and migrants.
IPAS Latin America & the Caribbean information session on
access to safe abortion
By sharing stories, raising awareness, and taking action, we can create a world free from violence against women and girls. Let’s ‘Orange the World’ together!