Call for expressions of interest System Analysis PADEO approach Mozambique - Phase 1 - Mozambique
Call for expressions of interest System Analysis PADEO approach Mozambique - Phase 1
The embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mozambique is calling on organizations to express interest in the assignment: “System Analysis PADEO approach Mozambique - Phase 1”
Extent and duration
The assignment will run from mid-April 2023 till 30 September 2023
Phase 1: System analysis PADEO approach Mozambique
Part 1: study focusing on the Sofala/Beira corridor
- Start date: mid-April 2023
- End date: 30 June 2023
After conclusion of phase 1 - part 1, the PADEO team Mozambique will assess the results of the study; if the outcome of the assessment is positive and the need is still there; a second, -similar- study will be implemented for Cabo Delgado part 2.
Part 2: System analysis study focusing on Cabo Delgado
- Start date: 01 July 2023
- End date: 30 September 2023
Budget indication : max. € 124,000,
Dutch executor: € 62,000 Euros including 0% Dutch VAT
Foreign executor: € 62,000 Euros excluding Dutch VAT and including 17 % local VAT and local costs.
Intended assignment
Interested parties need to be aware that the intended assignment described in this call for expressions of interest document is part of a to-be-opened procurement procedure for selecting a multidisciplinary team for the development of system analysis studies of the PADEO approach Mozambique. The team should consist of international and local (Mozambican) organisations and individual experts in the field of system thinking, food systems, youth and employment and inclusive local private sector development.
PADEO (Programmatic Approach Sustainable Economic Development) is an approach from the Dutch government (Sustainable Economic Development Department -DDE – of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to contribute towards the achievement of SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth). PADEO aims to achieve sustainable impact (contributing to systems change), by using a programmatic and systems approach:
- Understanding “the system” : which are the different stakeholders and elements in the system and how are these connected and coordinated? What are the barriers within that system that prevent a given target group from reaching their objective? ;
- Finding synergies and cooperation with other (local) actors; and iii) and knowing what the Dutch added value is to contribute to system change. Learning and adapting along the way is crucial in the PADEO approach. This makes it an iterative process of planning, monitoring, evaluating, learning and adapting.
PADEO has a programmatic approach that enables a common ground to work collectively towards systemic change with the different programs and stakeholders in Mozambique. It offers opportunities to work and create synergies with the embassy and other directorates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; as well as with other donor or multilateral organizations.
The PADEO Mozambique team consists of representatives of the Dutch Embassy in Maputo (EKN-Map), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands: Direction Sustainable Economy (DDE), Direction International Green Growth (IGG); and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
Purpose of the project
The Netherlands aims to apply a programmatic and systems approach towards local private sector development (PSD) in its cooperation with Mozambique.
Small-scale food producers’ farming systems will be the focus for the PADEO approach in Mozambique.
The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate the creation of an approach for Private Sector Development in Mozambique by conducting a systems analysis, provide a decision framework, and providing recommendations on this decision framework. The assignment will focus on:
- The review and the validation of results of previous studies.
- Understanding why a number of previous interventions were successful and others have not yielded the desired results or failed to create systems change in Mozambique. Part of this is also the understanding of different needs and constraints faced by different gender and age groups and the identification of a gender sensitive approach.
- Advice on a decision framework based on the key findings from the analysis that can be used by the PADEO team to make a selection of the most important leveraging points. This framework should be gender transformative.
This assignment contributes to the development of the PADEO approach in Mozambique, one where systems thinking, programmatic approach and local needs is at the core. Two elements are crucial in this new approach: First, the alignment and the exchange of lessons learned with relevant stakeholders and existing (PSD and F&NS) programs in the country (Dutch or non-Dutch); second, the strong focus on local needs and representation. The approach should be a co-creation process whereby the consultant facilitates and actively engages relevant stakeholders, the PADEO team, and local actors.
There are several ways to conduct a systems analysis. The consultant is expected to work with the systems analysis as described by Metabolic in the guidebook for consultants that will be shared by the PADEO team.
Differences between men and women in challenges, interests and needs should be acknowledged. The Gender Guide will be shared with the consultant to provide information about RVO’s approach to gender integration within international programmes and projects; IFPRI’s guidance on promoting and measuring progress on gender transformative work in the agricultural sector should be used as well.
Required skills/experience
The following roles and corresponding expertise profiles are defined:
- The team is composed by a mix of local and international experts; who are fluent in English and Portuguese and have 1) knowledge and/or experience on system thinking and its application and 2) strong knowledge of the regions that will be subject of the study and with a solid network in Sofala/Beira and Cabo Delgado in Mozambique, preferably also at grassroots level and with the ability to contribute to an inclusive set of activities, amongst others the workshop series.
- Good understanding of the local (political economic and social context); and has a good network in the specific system, namely private sector development in the food and nutrition small farming (not only international organisations, but mostly local changemakers, companies and organisations)
- Should have a thorough understanding of the issues and dynamics relevant to the specific system;
- Experience in process facilitation, dealing with complex stakeholder participation processes in the context of addressing local economic development challenges in the agri, food & nutrition sector; and convening and leading multi-stakeholder workshops and making sure the input of all stakeholders is considered.
You can express your interest in this procurement procedure by sending an email to with your company details and confirmation of interest. The purpose of this call is merely to identify interest of experts available and to assess the ability to carry out this assignment. Therefore, any proposal, CV, or motivational letter sent will not be taken into consideration at this point.
You do not have to send documents; only add your company details, address and possibly your web address.
Based on this call for expression of interest, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands can decide to start a procurement procedure. Interested companies/consultants can be invited to this procedure. Your response to this call for expression of interest does not mean you have the right to be invited to this procurement procedure.
The deadline for responding to this call for expression of interest is set at 13th March 2023 at 12h CEST.