Vacancy: Policy Officer Political Affairs, Human Rights & Security

News item | 12-07-2024 | 10:52

The deadline to submit you motivation letter and CV is Monday August 5, 2024 c.o.b. You can send both to Please refer to: job application policy officer Political Affairs, Human Rights & Security.

Job title: Policy Officer Political Affairs, Human Rights & Security
Employer: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,  Maputo
Function level: 09, working hours per week: 40; contract duration: indefinite, with trial period of 3 months
The employer:

The Netherlands is a longstanding and trusted partner of Mozambique since its independence in 1975, representing years of cooperation on substantive development and a firm commitment to dialogue and inclusion, through a wide range of programs. Currently the Dutch Embassy in Maputo is looking for an open, curious and energetic colleague who knows the Mozambican and regional (SADC) political landscape well, in order to aid and further the developments of these programs, specifically from a political and rights lens.

The Netherlands, via its feminist foreign policy aims to reduce poverty and social inequality worldwide. In Mozambique this translates into a development programme with a primary focus on youth, women and girls as well as other vulnerable people. On a topical level, Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and Water are focus areas while climate change and gender equality are cross cutting themes.

In order to contribute to the Social Development Goals (SDG’s), the Embassy Team puts additional focus on initiatives dealing with SRHR and HIV/AIDS; protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as local private sector development. With such an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, we aim, to address the complexity of needs while safeguarding that no one is left behind.

To optimize its impact, the Netherlands focusses on in two geographical areas only namely Cabo Delgado province (1) and Sofala province (including Beira city) plus the Beira corridor in Manica province (2). Dutch policies and programming in Mozambique, specifically in Cabo Delgado are conflict-sensitive as they take place in fragile and conflict-affected settings. 

The Netherlands’ priorities are in line with the current five year plan of the Mozambican government and their National Development Strategy (Estratégia Nacional de Desenvolvimento, ENDE), as well as with the EU’s National Indicative Programme (NIP) for Mozambique.

Policy Officer for Political Affairs, Human Rights & Security

As stated, we are looking for an open, curious and energetic colleague with a deep knowledge of the Mozambican national as well as the regional (SADC) political landscape to strengthen our team; ideally with the following characteristics.

You are keen to follow and able to analyze political, societal and security developments and translate those into strategic and operational recommendations related to the bilateral relation between Mozambique and the Netherlands, our program interventions and our target groups. 
You and able to master a wide variety of topics, distinguish and prioritize between key issues and details and communicate (orally and verbally) about them in a structured manner tailored to different target groups. 
You know how to work in a team as well as independently and act as a strong discussion partner and advisor for colleagues, the Head of Co-operation and the Ambassador. 
You are a creative and strong communicator who together with other policy officers and the communication officer implements our public diplomacy and (social) media strategy.
You are flexible, a team player and good networker and able to handle confidential information.


1    Monitors and reports on political developments in Mozambique, as well as economic and social developments relevant to Mozambican political relations;
2.    Monitors and reports on Mozambique's national policies related to security and rule of law; and the implementation of these policies and the cross-cutting aspects (environment, gender, governance) of the various public, private and non-state actors;
3.    Advices the Ambassador and other colleagues on the political landscape and other developments with a political / societal dimension;
4.    Tracks and reports on regional cooperation in these areas, including conflict sensitive issues;
5.    Follows and reports on developments regarding the humanitarian and human rights situation in Mozambique; 
6.    Initiates and manages project / program activities / high level events related to human rights, fundamental freedoms, civic space within development cooperation
7.    Is the Embassy's point of contact for prevention of violent extremism (PVE) and assists policy staff to incorporate Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) in their programs, including their training;
8.    Identifies and organizes thematic meetings for the Embassy’s policy officers;   
9.    Organizes and contributes to field visits for the Ambassador and other colleagues;
10.    Writes speeches for Head of Mission (HoM) / Deputy HoM;
11.    Is responsible for (co-)organizing public diplomacy (PD) activities and events of the embassy;
12.    Coordinates the activities of the embassy on social media (as part of and in line with the communications and PD-strategies);
13.    Contributes to the proper functioning of the Embassy, the teamwork and collaborative atmosphere including the replacement of colleagues in case of absence or impediments.


Knows the Mozambican and regional political landscape well. Has a good political antenna and feels at home in social discussions.  
Has strong analytical and excellent communication skills, both verbally and in writing.
Is result-oriented. 
Can think 'out of the box' and is able to incentivize and enthuse others to do the same;
Is flexible and does not back down from any setbacks; 
Has excellent communication, networking and presentation skills also meaning that he/she easily connects content, organizations and people – in reports as well as social media outings;
Feels connected with "young people (including LGBTIQ+)" in Mozambique and communicates easily with this target group via social media such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Has experience with portfolio and program management;
Has extensive network in civil society, public sector, academia and in our target groups;
Demonstrates integrity in all his/her work and actions;


University degree in in political science or other relevant study; 
Relevant professional experience, minimum 5 years; good references, preferably in an international environment;
Good political, historical and social knowledge of Mozambique’s political landscape (constitution, legislation, functioning of governmental and parliamentary structures, decentralization, etc.);
Has good knowledge of the SADC region;
Knowledge of the world of public administration and NGOs;
Good command of Word, Outlook, Power Point, Excel and social media;
Fluent in Portuguese and English, both verbally as well as written.
Knowledge of and experience with a multi-stakeholder approach, results-oriented work, Theory of Change, governance issues and conflict sensitivity are recommended; 
Knowledge of gender issues.

Preferred starting date: 1 September 2024.