Economy and Trade - North Macedonia
Economy and Trade
General Information
One of the prime objectives of the Economic and Trade Section (E&T section) of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Skopje is to promote the bilateral economic ties and facilitate the development of economic cooperation between the Netherlands and the Republic of North Macedonia. The E&T section of the Embassy offers assistance to Dutch companies that are interested in investing, finding a local business partner, supplier or subcontractor in North Macedonia, as well as companies from North Macedonia that are interested in development or expansion of their business activities in/with the Netherlands.
In addition, we facilitate organization of trade missions and company visits in the Netherlands and North Macedonia, as well as supporting establishment of bilateral cooperation between Economy and Trade chambers, sectors and associations. The Embassy periodically organizes topical seminars, workshops and trainings, for the private and governmental sector in North Macedonia aimed at sharing Dutch experiences and values in certain areas. The purpose of these events is assistance to North Macedonia in implementation of different aspects of the EU-acquis in the commercial and business sectors, as well as raising awareness and interest in the business community for possibilities of bilateral cooperation and business opportunities.
Mandate and Services
The main task of the Economic and Trade Section of the Embassy is to provide assistance to companies, which is not only assistance restricted to the field of imports and exports of goods and services, but also includes non-biased information on investment conditions and business opportunities. In both areas - i.e. trade and investments - the Embassy aims to fulfill a match-making role when it is required or requested.
General mandate and services of the Economic & Trade section include:
• Promotion of the Netherlands as reliable business partner source and attractive business destination;
• Providing of general information on the business environment in North Macedonia for all interested Dutch parties;
• Providing of general information on the business environment in the Netherlands for all interested parties in North Macedonia;
• Assisting companies from The Netherlands and North Macedonia in establishment of contacts with business counterparts/partners in both countries;
• Promotion of the Dutch Government Private sector support programs to local private companies and business associations;
• Networking and connecting business chambers and associations in The Netherlands and North Macedonia;
• Organization of business events and missions and facilitating development of bilateral business networks;
• Providing of up to date and useful business related information’s via the Embassy social media channels.
Note: Entrepreneurs contacting the E&T Section should be mindful of the fact that it can only provide such information and services that cannot be considered as an intrinsic part of the work of the company or the agent itself.
For example: the E&T section can suggest names of possible agents, import-export and investment partners, etc. but will not go into the selection process, for which ultimately the applicant will bear the responsibility. Furthermore, the E&T Section can also provide general market information, but will refer to other parties for detailed market research.
For all questions within the general mandate and services of the E&T section, you can contact our E&T section.
Specific services
In certain cases, the Embassy E&T Section, provides assistance to companies for specific business related topics, such as:
- Providing information or advice to companies on specific business counterparts;
- Providing advice on handling specific business related problems;
- More detailed or specific information on the regulatory/legal framework for doing business in The Netherlands and in North Macedonia (import/export procedures, investment legislation, etc.)
- Information on trade fairs and organization of trade missions and business events
- Information on incoming International tenders in North Macedonia and other business opportunities for the Dutch economy
Note: If information on specific services is not available in the Embassy, the E&T section staff will refer the interested party to a relevant agent or Institution. Usage of the referenced ‘’third party’’ information sources is at sole responsibility of the end user of the information.
For all specific requests outside of the general mandate and services of the E&T section, all parties should directly contact the E&T section.
Dutch Economy and Trade Support Programmes and Instruments
Instruments available for support to the companies, institutions and agencies include:
For Dutch companies and organizations
Centre for promotion of export (CBI) (In Dutch).
Business development assistance -
Partners for Water (PvW) (In Dutch).
Promoting the Dutch water sector at international level, to help solve the world wide water problem -
Demonstrations, Feasibility studies and Investment Preparation studies (DHI)
Stimulating international trade and investments -
Complex Questions (UVB) (In Dutch).
Supporting companies with questions about doing international business - (DTIF)
Contact persons
Mr Ivan Iliev, Regional Economy and Trade Officer
Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form
Note: All interested parties can contact the Embassy E&T Section staff with a request for information on economy and trade related issues. Please submit a detailed request including full contact details of the applicant company/person. You can also send your request in written form to the following address of the Embassy in Skopje: