NPT Statement MC III 2nd NPT PrepCom 2024 - PR to the Conference of Disarmament, Geneva
NPT Statement MC III 2nd NPT PrepCom 2024
Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, delivered by H.E. Ambassador Robert in den Bosch, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Conference on Disarmament, Ambassador-at-large for Disarmament Affairs
Chair, Excellencies, distinguished delegates,
The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the statements of the European Union. In addition, I would like to deliver the following statement in my national capacity.
Over decades, the development and dissemination of the peaceful uses of nuclear technology has expanded. Nuclear has come a long way. More than ever, countries have a wide variety of partners and technologies they can choose from when embarking on such activities. The IAEA has a pivotal role in facilitating this cooperation.
Nuclear technology can play an important role in addressing our most pressing challenges, thereby contributing to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and our climate goals. In this regard the Netherlands wants to point out the Working Paper the NPDI submitted for this meeting.
Given the above, The Netherlands fully recognizes the inalienable right for all States Parties under article V of the NPT to have access to nuclear technology.
Allow me to highlight two examples of particular importance: Energy & Healthcare:
Both the Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy Capacity by 2050 signed at COP28 and the outcome of the Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels illustrate there is widespread recognition of the role that nuclear power can play in combating climate change and providing energy security. Nuclear energy provides us with an affordable fossil-free energy supply complementary to solar and wind power. The Netherlands aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, with a specific target of carbon neutrality of its energy supply by 2040. To achieve this nuclear energy will complement other renewables. The Netherlands plans to increase its role in two ways; 1) extend the operational lifespan of the existing nuclear power plant beyond 2033, 2) arrange for the construction of four additional nuclear power plants, besides multiple Small Modular Reactors (SMR)s.
Furthermore, medical radioisotopes play a vital role in diagnosing and treating cancer amongst other applications. The global supply of medical radioisotopes is at risk due to the ageing production infrastructure. In order to guarantee future supply of these lifesaving medicines and to make full use of their potential, the Dutch government has decided to invest € 1,84 billion EUR in the construction of a new research reactor for the production of medical radioisotopes.
We believe it is essential that safety, security and safeguards frameworks are continuously maintained and strengthened, keeping pace with relevant scientific, technical and political developments. Ensuring the highest standards of nuclear safety and guidance on nuclear security is essential to facilitate and further develop peaceful uses, especially as the use of nuclear material around the world increases. IAEA assistance in this regard is crucial.
Ukraine’s peaceful use of nuclear energy continues to be
threatened by Russia, notably by its illegal seizure of Ukraine’s
Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. We express our utmost concern about
the nuclear safety and security risks in Ukraine that have been caused
by Russia’s war of aggression.
Let me conclude with a few remarks on the topic of Strengthening the Review Cycle. We believe this topic should, as it always has been, remain part of our discussions under Pillar III. However, we understand institutional matters cannot be fully separated from the substance in each of the three Pillars.
Although we had some good discussions, we regret the inability of the NPT States Parties to reach agreement on practical recommendations last year at the Working Group on Strengthening the Review Process. We remain of the belief that a fundamental revision of current procedures is necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the NPT. There is a strong foundation on which to continue this vital work. Moreover, States Parties can build on the recommendations provided in the NPDI’s most recent working paper on SRP. My delegation believes that there is strong support for the continuation of this important work.
Thank you for giving me the floor.