Occupied Palestinian Territories Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner

News item | 27-02-2025 | 11:35

Statement by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, delivered by H.E. Ambassador Lars Tummers, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Thank you Mr. President,

The Netherlands expresses its high appreciation for the tireless work of the High Commissioner and his office and welcomes the report. 

The report presents a grim reality of the past year, following the heinous attack of Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, the capture of hostages and the war that unfolded afterwards. The suffering of civilians on both sides, especially women and children, and the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza is heart-breaking.  

The Netherlands calls on all parties to comply with international law, particularly international humanitarian law. 

Although the report paints a bleak picture, we continue to strive for peace, justice and accountability. To continue documentation and monitoring of human rights violations, we call on all parties to cooperate with OHCHR and grant access to the area. The Netherlands will contribute an additional EUR 1 million to OHCHR in the Palestinian Territories. Additionally, in order to guarantee the safety of journalists, an additional financial contribution to Free Press Unlimited will be made.

This report demonstrates, once again, that a negotiated and sustainable two-state solution is needed now. 
Thank you.