Podcasts - PR UN, WTO and other organisations Geneva

Podcasts DigitalDots Talks

A 15-minute podcast about digital issues and the role of international Geneva in shaping our digital future.

About DigitalDots Talks Podcasts

We all use digital technologies. They are part of our daily life: as an information source, as a learning tool, as a driver for trade and business, as a way to communicate and as a way to get entertainment… The list is endless.
But do we fully grasp the importance of what we hold in our hands every day?
Every month, with the help of experts, DigitalDots Talks aims to give new insights and food-for-thought of some of the most pressing contemporary digital policy issues; all in easy-to-understand 15-minute talks.
Digital technologies constantly evolve and with them so do the potential threats to privacy, to security, and to the enjoyment of other human rights online.

At the international and multilateral level, years of discussions and negotiations have already laid a foundation for digital technologies to develop, to flourish and to become interoperable global tools as we know them today.
The issues and stakes are numerous: e-commerce, taxation, trust and security, bridging the digital divide, building an inclusive information society, and more.

With DigitalDots Talks we want to connect the dots.
  • What already exist? What do we still need to explore? Where are the tensions?
  • How does geopolitics influence the discussions?
  • Who is shaping our common digital future? Making these technologies ‘speak’ the same language? Deciding on what is ethical?
  • What role is there for the international organisations, for governments and for the other stakeholders?
This podcast series is presented by the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Geneva.