Human Rights Council 50th Session: Interactive dialogue on oral briefing of the international commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia | 30-06-2022

Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands delivered by Daniëlle Drost

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement.

Recent outbursts of violence in the Oromia region, as well as in Benishangul-Gumuz and Gambella, have unfortunately again resulted in various grave human rights abuses and violations and violations of international humanitarian law by different parties. They are a tragic reminder that violence driven by political marginalization and the urge for transitional justice, national reconciliation and healing are not just limited to Ethiopia’s Northern parts.

Each incident fuels the next, and the lack of justice and reconciliation can, if not handled carefully, put the integrity of the Ethiopian state at risk. In that regard, The Netherlands welcomes the work undertaken by the Ethiopian government, through the Interministerial Task Force.

In addition, we believe the work of the UN Commission on Ethiopia is, if independent, a necessary and crucial complement to this national mechanism on a road to accountability and justice.

Both mechanisms constitute vital first steps that need to be built upon through credible, transparent, and impartial investigations and accountability mechanisms. Accountability is an essential part of breaking the cycle of grave violence in Ethiopia.

Finally, we commend efforts undertaken to seek a peaceful end to the conflict and urge the government of Ethiopia to allow the Commission access to the country.


How do you assess the prospect for meaningful cooperation between the Commission and national authorities, as well as the Tigrayan forces?

Thank you.