Burundi: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation - PR UN, WTO and other organisations Geneva

Burundi: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation

News item | 04-07-2024 | 14:00

Statement on behalf of the Benelux countries delivered by H.E. Mr. Paul Bekkers, Permanent Representative, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


I deliver this statement on behalf of the three Benelux countries, Belgium, Luxembourg, and my own country, the Kingdom of the Netherlands. We align with the EU statement and thank the Special Rapporteur for his oral update.

The Benelux welcomes Burundi’s participation in the UDHR 75 celebrations.

We note continued concerns regarding shrinking civic space and fundamental freedoms, particularly reports of journalists, media workers, and human rights defenders in arbitrary detention or subjected to ill-treatment or enforced disappearance. 

We urge the authorities to implement relevant recommendations of the UPR, the former Commission of Inquiry, and the Special rapporteur to improve the human rights situation in the country, including with regards to economic, social and cultural rights. We call on Burundi to investigate cases related to civil society and bring the perpetrators to justice. Moreover, we call on the Burundian authorities to guarantee the independent functioning of the CNIDH.

Special Rapporteur, 
We regret that Burundi continues to reject your mandate, and urge the authorities to cooperate with you as well as other UN human rights mechanisms, including thematic Special Procedure mandate holders, especially now that Burundi is a member of this Council. 

How can the international community support Burundi and its NHRI in the organisation of transparent, credible, and free 2025 parliamentary elections? 

Thank you.