Libya: Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR report on technical assistance - PR UN, WTO and other organisations Geneva

Libya: Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR report on technical assistance

News item | 08-07-2024 | 15:38

Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands delivered by Ms. Lieke Brand, Second Secretary Human Rights and Political Affairs, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN in Geneva

Thank you Mr. President,

The Kingdom of the Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement. We thank OHCHR and UNSMIL for providing technical assistance and capacity-building to improve the human rights situation in Libya and welcome their report and its recommendations. 

We also commend the efforts of the Government of National Unity towards this aim, including the drafting of a national plan on human rights in Libya. With the plan and a renewed mandate as foundations and guidance for future efforts, we hope to see improvements of the human rights situation soon. 

As the presented report indicates, the human rights challenges in Libya remain substantial. There is an urgent need to address the widespread trends of arbitrary arrest and detention, to strengthen civic space, and to protect human rights defenders, among other vital preconditions for Libya’s transition to peace and unity. 

Despite the magnitude of the challenges, we know they can be addressed through joint efforts in support of the Libyan people. The item 10 resolution on technical assistance and capacity building to improve human rights in Libya facilitates this essential long-term and joint approach, and therefore it can count on our continued support. 

Which elements for capacity building and technical assistance will OHCHR and the Libyan authorities prioritize the coming year?

I thank you.