The Mission

The Permanent Mission's main tasks are to promote and clarify the position of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the UN, report to the authorities in The Hague and give advice on developments at the UN. The position of the Netherlands on various subjects is increasingly being finalised in the framework of the European Union. However, the Mission has countless contacts with other member states of the UN, the UN-secretariat and UN-organisations, and operates on an individual basis (including through the delivery of statements) in cases where European coordination is not foreseen.

Lise Gregoire - Van Haaren, the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations in New York. ©UN Photo. 
Diplomats of the Mission participate in debates and negotiations in the General Assembly, ECOSOC and subsidiary bodies of which it is a member or active observer, in UN conferences and in other bodies such as UNDP, UNFPA or UNICEF. During its membership of the Security Council in 2018, the Mission participates actively in the Council's discussions on political crises.


The Permanent Mission has four sections:

The Political Section covers both the political areas as well as the legal and financial affairs of the UN. Political activities of the Mission focus primarily on issues of peace and security, as we are a member of the 2018 Security Council. 

The Development, Humanitarian Affairs and Human Rights Section handles all development, humanitarian and human rights issues. These issues are mostly discussed in the General Assembly, in the ECOSOC and in ECOSOC's subsidiary bodies. It also covers the Funds and Programmes located in New York, such as UNDP, UNFPA, UN-Women, UNICEF and UNCDF.

The Military and Police Section advises on all military and defense matters and is closely involved in the Mission's handling of peacekeeping issues and matters of de-mining. The section maintains contacts with the UN Secretariat on peacekeeping operations, including the Netherlands involvement in those operations, as well as with other bodies of the UN-system, such as the UN Office for Project Services.

The Service Desk handles all administrative and logistical requirements of the Mission, its staff and visitors, including ministers and parliamentarians. Its activities cover financial and personnel matters, housing, security and other support services.