Documents - PR UN New York
On this page you can find statements and other documents made by the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations in New York.
- High-level debate of the United Nations General Assembly Joint Statement | 15-06-2023
- Global Digital Compact Deep-Dive - Speech | 10-05-2023
- United Nations General Assembly I Statement Kingdom of the Netherlands | 02-05-2023
- Statement I KNL IAD intervention SYR missing persons | 28-03-2023
- Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of ICTs: Netherlands Intervention on Rules Norms and Principles - Publication | 23-03-2023
- Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of ICTs: Netherlands Intervention on Threats - Publication | 23-03-2023
- Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of ICTs: Netherlands Intervention on CBMs - Publication | 23-03-2023
- Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of ICTs: Netherlands Intervention on International Law - Publication | 23-03-2023
- Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of ICTs: Netherlands Intervention on Regular Institutional Dialogue - Publication | 23-03-2023
- Statement | Intergovernmental negotiations (IGN) on Security Council reform | 26-01-2023
- Intervention debate IIIM - Inclusive Justice - Publication | 25-10-2022
- UNSC Open Debate on women, peace and security: statement by The Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations H.E. Yoka Brandt - Publication | 20-10-2022
- UNGA Third Committee: Statements by the Kingdom of the Netherlands: IAD on situation of HRD - Publication | 13-10-2022
- UNGA Third Committee: Statements by the Kingdom of the Netherlands: IAD on SOGI - Publication | 13-10-2022
- UNGA Third Committee: Statements by the Kingdom of the Netherlands: AID on Syria - Publication | 13-10-2022
- UNGA Third Committee: Statements by the Kingdom of the Netherlands: IAD President HRC -Publication | 13-10-2022
- UNGA Eleventh Emergency Session: Territorial Integrity of Ukraine: Defending the Principles of the UN Charter - Publication | 10-10-2022
- Statement by Yoka Brandt on the territorial integrity of Ukraine - Publication | 10-10-2022
- Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the United Nations General Assembly, 23 September 2022 - Speech | 29-09-2022
- Statement of The Kingdom of the Netherlands on conflict-related sexual violence - Publication | 13-04-2022
- Benelux Statements ESS-HRC vote - Publication | 07-04-2022
- Statement: Accountability in the Syrian Arab Republic - Publication | 29-11-2021
- Statement on the Report of the International Criminal Court - Publication | 10-11-2021
- Statement Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-second session, Cluster 2 - Publication | 02-11-2021
- Statement Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-second session, Cluster 1 - Publication | 02-11-2021
- Statement Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-second session, Cluster 3 - Publication | 01-11-2021
- Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN Gender Pledge - Publication | 01-10-2021
- UNGA76 - Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the United Nations General Assembly | 24-09-2021
- Statements in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security: Introduction and Existing and Potential Threats - Publication | 08-03-2021
- Statements in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security: Confidence-Building Measures and Capacity-Building - Publication | 08-03-2021
- Statements in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security: International Law and Rules, Norms and Principles - Publication | 08-03-2021
- Statements in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security: Discussion Section: Written Comments - Publication | 08-03-2021
- Regular Institutional Dialogue - Publication | 08-03-2021
- Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar - Speech | 26-02-2021
- UN Security Council Open Debate: Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace: Contemporary Drivers of Conflict and Insecurity - Speech | 03-11-2020
- Report of the International Court of Justice: Agenda Item 74 - Speech | 02-11-2020
- First Committee of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly - Speech | 09-10-2020
- 75th session of the UN General Assembly third - Speech | 05-10-2020
- UNGA high-level meeting to celebrate 25th anniversary of Beijing women’s conference: video statement from H.E. Sigrid Kaag - Speech | 01-10-2020
- The Summit on Biodiversity: video statement by H.E. Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 30 September 2020 - Speech | 30-09-2020
- Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond for meeting of Heads of State / Government: video statement from H.E. Sigrid Kaag - Speech | 30-09-2020
- UNSC Arria meeting on the implementation of the UNSCR resolution 2118 - Speech | 29-09-2020
- The General Debate of the seventy-fifth session: video statement by H.E. Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands to the United Nations, 24 September 2020 - Speech | 25-09-2020
- High-Level Meeting to Commemorate the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations: pre-Recorded Statement by His Majesty, King Willem-Alexander Kingdom of the Netherlands, 21 September 2020 - Speech | 21-09-2020
- Security council Arria Formula meeting: human rights in Belarus - Speech | 09-09-2020
- Security Council Arria Formula meeting: human rights in Belarus - Publication | 08-09-2020
- Joint Statement Second Regular Session 2020 of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board - Agenda item 3: UNDP Structured Funding Dialogue - Speech | 03-09-2020
- UNSC High-level open debate on conflict-related sexual violence: Turning commitments into compliance - Speech | 17-07-2020
- United Nations peacekeeping operations: Peace operations and human rights - Speech | 07-07-2020
- United Nations Security Council High-Level Open Debate on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict - Speech | 27-05-2020
- Receptionist/Clerical Officer - Publication | 13-05-2020
- Statement by H.E. Stef Blok Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 8 May 2020 - Speech | 08-05-2020
- General Assembly Debate: agenda item 63: Situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine - Speech | 20-02-2020
- EOV during 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, item 123 Strengthening of the United Nations system - Speech | 14-01-2020
- Security Council Open Debate: “Upholding the United Nations Charter to Maintain International Peace and Security” - Speech | 09-01-2020
Statements, publications, papers and speeches older than 2020 can be viewed here: see archive