IAEA - PR UN Vienna


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was established in 1957. The purpose of the IAEA, as defined in its Statute, is "to seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world". The IAEA is not a specific specialised UN agency, but an independent intergovernmental organisation under the aegis of the UN. The IAEA secretariat is headquartered in Vienna and has regional offices in Geneva, New York, Toronto and Tokyo.


The Agency is specifically authorised and tasked to:

  • Encourage and assist research on atomic energy for peaceful purposes
  • Establish and administer safeguards against the misuse of nuclear energy (for military purposes)
  • Establish safety standards for Nuclear Power Plants and other nuclear installations and for the transport of nuclear materials
  • Foster the exchange of scientific and technical information (especially for critical needs in developing countries)
  • Encourage the exchange and training of scientists and experts

Safeguarding activities

The IAEA is the world's nuclear inspectorate. IAEA inspectors work worldwide to verify that safeguarded nuclear material is not used for military purposes. These safeguard activities, consisting of inspections and analysis of information gathered, form one of the most important aspects of the IAEA's role and functions. They are also helpful to assist states in demonstrating their compliance with international obligations in the interest of preventing the further proliferation of nuclear weapons.

IAEA also plays an increasing role in global nuclear security. Nuclear security is known to be the prevention and detection of and response to theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material or other radioactive substances. IAEA is pivotal in the exchange of nuclear knowledge and technology.


The organisation consists of two policy-making bodies. Firstly, the General Conference (GC) which meets annually to consider and approve the Agency's programme and budget. Secondly, the Board of Governors (BOG) which is the organisation's executive policy making organ that consists of 35 rotating seats and meets five times a year. Furthermore the Director-General, Yukiya Amano from Japan, is charged with the daily management of the agency.

The Netherlands and IAEA

The Netherlands was one of the "founding members" of the IAEA. It was represented in the Board of Governors (BOG) in the following periods: 1982-1983, 1988-1990, 1995-1998, 2002-2005, 2009-2012, 2016-2019.

For more information about the IAEA please visit iaea.org.