The ambassador - Saudi Arabia
The ambassador

Hans Peter van der Woude
Hans Peter van der Woude has been ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Saudi Arabia since 2024.
See the curriculum vitae of ambassador Van der Woude on (in Dutch)
Word of Welcome by Ambassador Van der Woude
Welcome to the website of the Dutch Embassy in Saudi Arabia!
On August 15 2024 I have arrived in the Kingdom with great pleasure to start my duties as Ambassador and to lead an enthusiastic team of whom many of you are already in contact. New visitors are more than welcome to get in touch with us.
This site provides you with information about the activities of the Embassy and about the bilateral relations between the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia. The diplomatic ties between the two countries have a long history. In 1872, the first Consulate opened in Jeddah after which work and cooperation further unfolded. Also in the academic field plenty of exchange took place, among others by the well-known Dutch scholar of Oriental Languages Snouck Hurgronje who later on became a professor in Arabic language at the University of Leiden.
The Embassy is located in Riyadh, and is committed to intensification of diplomatic ties, the promotion of trade and investments between both countries, as well as stimulating regional stability through dialogue (for example on human rights) and cultural activities. The Saudi economy offers many opportunities for Dutch businesses, particular in areas where NL has many experiences and niches such as in the field of circular economy, innovation, and sustainable agriculture, but also in infrastructure, and tourism – all areas and opportunities to contribute to but also to align with the Saudi ambitions to diversify its economy. The Embassy, with a solid reputation and known by its excellent knowledge and services, is at your disposal to support you in utilizing these opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of advice or need.
For the Embassy, representation of all Dutch interests in Saudi Arabia comes as a first priority. In order to reach our common objectives, we maintain relations with several institutions, varying from local companies to higher government levels. You can also contact us in case you need consular assistance, for which I would like to refer to the following website (Netherlandsworldwide) and the 24/7 Foreign Affairs Contact Center: +31 247 247 247, as well as our Twitter page (@NLinKSA) where we regularly publish recent developments.
Thank you, once more, for visiting our website. My team and/or I hope to welcome you in Riyadh.
In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to approach us by telephone (+966 11 44 22 300) or use the contact form.