Agriculture and Food - Saudi Arabia
'The agriculture team represents the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the GCC countries. The team is an intermediate between organizations from The Netherlands in agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, aquaculture and fisheries, the food & processing industry and nature conservation as well as Dutch agricultural research organizations and their counterparts in the GCC-countries. The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.'
The agriculture team to the GCC countries
The Agricultural department for the GCC Countries:
- Provides general and policy information about the following sectors in the Netherlands:
- Agriculture
- Nature management
- Food Quality
- Agro-industry and trade
- Fisheries
- Recreation
- Veterinary, food and environment
- Science, research and knowledge transfer
- Promotes the import and export of agricultural and food products and services from and to the Netherlands. To this purpose the Agricultural Department participates in trade fairs, supplies information and addresses, organizes trade missions, seminars and conferences.
- Assists local private and public sector parties to benefit from the Dutch experience and expertise in the field of agriculture and food.
- Mediates in negotiations on trade barriers.
- Promotes education and training courses in the fields of food and agriculture.
The Agricultural department is particularly actively engaged in fisheries & fish farming, horticulture and poultry, in order to improve water use efficiency, food safety and the chain approach. On all levels of the public, private and knowledge sectors, the Agricultural department pursues cooperation between the Dutch and partners in GCC-countries, with a special emphasis on capacity-building.
Contact details
Agricultural department for the GCC-countries
Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form
Twitter: @NLAgrofoodGCC
For more information on the work of the Dutch agricultural network in the Arab Gulf states, please visit (in Dutch)
Saudi Arabia:
- Mrs. Simone Landhuis, Agricultural Counsellor for the GCC
- Mr. Ivan Venantius, Agricultural Advisor
- Mr. Ismail Adam, Policy Officer Agriculture & Food
Consulate-general in Dubai:
- Mrs. Nienke Gelderloos, Agricultural Advisor