Who we are - Slovenia

Who we are

Embassy team Ljubljana

Name Function Contact
Johan Verboom Head of mission Phone: +386 (0)1 420 14 62
E-mail: Questions via the contact form
Bram van Lieshout Deputy head of mission Phone: +386 (0)1 420 14 62
E-mail: Questions via the contact form
Simone Godec-Neijenhuis, Mojca Čušin Consular affairs Phone: +386 (0)1 420 14 73
E-mail: Questions via the contact form
Mojca Pinterič, Matic Vrhovec Political & economic affairs Phone: +386 (0)1 420 14 66
E-mail: Questions via the contact form
Matic Vrhovec     Press, culture & public diplomacy Phone: +386 (0)1 420 14 71
E-mail: Questions via the contact form
Peter van Stee Defence matters Phone: +43 (0)1 589 39 213
E-mail: Questions via the contact form
Simone Godec-Neijenhuis; Franci Gril Administrative affairs Phone: +386 (0)1 420 14 69
E-mail: Questions via the contact form
Petra Jesenovec Management support Phone: +386 (0)1 420 14 62
E-mail: Questions via the contact form