Financial support

The embassy and consulate-general have a joint programme budget to provide financial support to Dutch cultural projects in Türkiye and bilateral cultural cooperation activities.

Use the application form  (see related documents at the end of this page) to submit a request for a project grant. Or contact us first for additional information by sending an email ist-pcz@minbuza.nlThe application Form can be found on this website (see related documents at the end of this page) and need to be send to
  • 8 WEEKS: We must receive your completed and signed application form AT LEAST 8 weeks before the starting date of your project.
  • 4 WEEKS: You will receive a decision about your application within 4 weeks from submission.
  • If you are granted a full or partial grant, you should sign and return the Contribution Agreement that we will send to you. There shouldn't be any expenditure before the agreement has been mutally signed.  
Funding payment: You will receive the grant 4 to 6 weeks after we have received your signed Contribution Agreement.
Eligibility: An applicant (artist / designer / organisation) is only eligible for one grant per 12-month period with a maximum of in total 3 grants. An exception may be made for organisations such as festivals and museums. They can apply annually for grants in case the application concerns different artists / performers or several artistic / cultural disciplines. Annually recurring applications may receive a lower grant.
Previous applications must have met the stipulated requirements for financial support in a timely manner.
A grant application cannot be submitted if previous applications were rejected because they did not meet the stipulated requirements.
The applicant must have a clear financial plan which includes details of their own contribution. The application must include a detailed budget with explanations of all budget items exceeding €1,000. Service sponsorship, financial sponsorship and/or the receipt of extra funding for the project should be listed in the financial overview.
There must be a clear link with Dutch culture, cultural institutes and/or Dutch (based) artists. Collaboration between NL and local parties is a must. Dutch Nationality and Netherlands-based are important criteria. Whilst we can consider Non-Dutch-National cultural makers, those who are not primarily-based in the Netherlands are not classed as Dutch Cultural sector and are thus not eligible for financial support.
The requested grant amount may include travel (economy-class) and accommodation costs for the journey from the Netherlands to Türkiye. Artists’ fees are not eligible for financial support.
Contributions will not exceed 50% of total activity costs
Activities that would take place without financial support of the mission are not funded
Only legal entities can receive funding
We cannot support scientific activities, purely PR or commercial activities and overhead costs.
An application is given a higher score if:
  • It is high-quality, well-written, well-thought through.
  • There are Clearly Defined Results
  • The project is within an existing (international) framework (established festival, gallery, museum, knowledge exchange);
  • It includes a deeper and longer term artistic/cultural exchange (such as capacity building, workshops, masterclasses or train the trainer programs) or/and programming in more than one cities (like a tour) score higher during evaluation;
  • The project concerns one or more of the priority areas and/or is aimed at children (special needs);
  • This is the applicant’s first grant application for a project in Türkiye;
  • The applicant has experience with carrying out international cultural projects (in other countries); 
  • The requested grant is less than €5,000 and/or includes a proportionately high own contribution.
  • The project is sustainable (financially, socially, environmentally…)
  • The project has broader connections within Türkiye and with the Netherlands.
  • The project is inclusive and involves a variety of people from diverse backgrounds.
And of course we will carefully look at the balance between Dutch and Turkish involvement and the specific qualities, experience, and capacities that the involved artists/designers/organizations bring in the project.
Other options for (financial) support:
There are several funds available in the Netherlands that are open to support cultural projects in Türkiye and/or with Turkish partners. Here you can find an overview of funds, residencies and mobility programs: DutchCulture Cultural Mobility Funding Guide.
Co-sponsorship for activities by other (semi-) public Dutch funds (e.g. Dutch Cultural Funds) is allowed.
However this will be considered in relation to the 50% max support criteria.
Please keep in mind that you need to hand in your application for these kind of funds a couple of months before the starting date (in general). You can find the deadlines for the different funds and grants in the document.