'Stability Policing', a crucial pillar in modern security strategies

News item | 05-03-2025 | 16:25

The Dutch Embassy in London, in particular the defense section, organized an introduction on February 26 to the publication 'NATO Stability Policing – Beneficial tool in filling the security gap and establishing the rule of law, and a safe and secure environment' by the NATO Stability Policing Center of Excellence (NSPCoE), in which the Netherlands is represented by the Koninklijke Marechaussee. This gathering provided a platform for discussion and in-depth conversations on the theme of the publication with stakeholders from the United Kingdom.

Dutch Ambassador Paul Huijts welcomed our guests, and Defense Attaché Captain(N) Rick Ongering provided the opening. We were honored to host guests including General Sir James Rupert Everard (ret), KCB, CBE, and Trilogy Author, COL Luigi Bramati, NSPCoE Director, LTC Marti Grashof, NSPCoE Chief of Staff and Trilogy Creator, COL Dorin Luta, NSPCoE Lessons Learned Branch Head and Trilogy Historian, Dr. Joanna Siekiera from Polish War Studies University in Warsaw, Trilogy Editor, Mr. Steve McNally, Senior Terrorism Analyst in NATO Intelligence Fusion Centre – UK – and Trilogy author, all contributors to the publication. 

In an era when security and stability are under pressure on a worldwide scale, the concept of 'Stability Policing' is a crucial pillar within modern security strategies. This groundbreaking publication offers an in-depth analysis of the role and impact of stability policing in conflict and post-conflict areas, in past, present and future scenarios. 

In addition, it highlights how stability policing is not only aimed at maintaining public order, Crowd and Riot Control (CRC), but also at strengthening local law enforcement capacities, promoting the rule of law principles and contributing to sustainable peace. Combining strategic insights and practical case studies, the Trilogy provides concrete guidance for policymakers, military commanders and civilian agencies involved in crisis management and reconstruction.

Have a look at the SPCoE website and related social media (X, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn) to find out more on stability policing. The Stability Policing Trilogy will appear online soon.