Exhibition ‘Can the seas survive us?’ - United Kingdom
Exhibition ‘Can the seas survive us?’
Can the seas survive us? That is the central question of the new exhibition (15 March – 3 August 2025) at the Sainsbury Centre in Norwich. Artists from all over the world have been asked to reflect on the interaction between humans and the sea. The exhibition includes many works by Dutch artists and designers.
Not surprisingly, perhaps. The nearest foreign country from Norwich, just across the North Sea, is the Netherlands. The history of Norwich, and the region around it, is very much intertwined with the history of the Netherlands. Precisely because of the North Sea. For centuries, it was easier and quicker to sail from Norwich to Noordwijk, than it was to travel over land to London.
So the Dutch perspective on what it means to be living with the sea, is one that often resonates with communities on England's east coast. The question on how we can make sure the sea keeps providing coastal communities for generations to come, is as relevant to people in the Netherlands as it is to people in the UK, as well as to coastal communities around the world; which is what this exhibition makes abundantly clear.
Contemporary Dutch artists and designers included in this exhibition
are De Onkuidenier, Studio Makkink &
Bey, Nabuurs&VanDoorn, Koen Taselaar, Anastasia Eggers, Jan Eric Visser, Vibeke Mascini and Boris Maas. The exhibition
also includes centuries old Dutch maps of trading routes across the
world's seas and oceans, 17th century paintings by the likes of Jacob
van Ruisdael and Hendrick van Anthonissen, and sea life inspired
designs by the late Dutch architect and designer Hendrik
The Dutch Embassy in the UK has played a small
role in getting these Dutch artists included in this amazing
exhibition at the Sainsbury Centre, which opens its doors this
Saturday. More information can be found on the website
of the Sainsbury Centre.