Operational Manager, Chicago - United States

Operational Manager, Chicago

The Netherlands Consulate General in Chicago has a fulltime (40 hours per week) local vacancy for a Operational Manager. This position is offered at pay scale 7 for a fixed term of 1 year, and with a probationary period of 1 month (see also enclosed job description - English version only).

For more information about this vacancy you can contact:

Mr Jeroen Beekman Acting Consul General of the Netherlands in Chicago jeroen.beekman@minbuza.nl

Applications, consisting of a cover letter and a resume, should be addressed to:
Consulate General of the Netherlands in Chicago
Attn. Jeroen Beekman
Email: jeroen.beekman@minbuza.nl
Closing date for applications: June 24th 2024

Indicative monthly gross salary: $ 6034,00 (based on a fulltime workweek, pay scale 7, step 0)

The Government of the Netherlands pursues an active diversity policy and is committed to an inclusive organization. We do this by optimally deploying and utilizing people's differences. When composing teams and recruiting new talent, we strive for diversity in age, gender, culture, background, orientation, knowledge and competences.

* This vacancy is open to internal (local employees and partners of officials posted to a Mission in the US)  and external candidates. If a local employee and a partner of an official posted to a Mission are equally qualified, the local employee shall be given priority. Furthermore, if an internal candidate and an external candidate are equally qualified, the internal candidate shall be given priority.

* As per US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), employers in the US are required to ensure that all employees have the legal right to work in the US. Under US State Department requirements, the embassy and our consulates may only employ, as non-diplomatic staff, persons who are US citizens, US Green Card holders or “A” visa holders. There is a max term for A2 visa holders of 5 years, the Netherlands Embassy / Consulate General cannot sponsor any work permits for families.

Purpose of the job

He/she is responsible, and serves as contact, for:

  • implementing and monitoring the services provided by the mission's internal organisation;
  • achieving operational objectives;
  • providing information to the mission management.

Main activities

Besides being a hands-on leader, the operational manager is jointly responsible for substantive management and oversight in the following areas of expertise and for achieving the following results:

Result area: human resources management

  • Ensuring a stimulating, safe and ethical working environment;

Result area: financial affairs

  • The operational manager is jointly responsible (together with other Governmental departments) for the accounts receivable and payable records, for checks on these records,  and for contributing to the mission's spending plan.

Result area: accommodation

  • Ensuring the proper management of office inventory and minor maintenance and repairs.
  • Maintaining a proper upkeep and presentation of the office.

Result area: information systems and ICT

  • Ensuring effective support for the mission in the area of information systems and hardware.

Result area: General support

  • The operational manager is (jointly) responsible for smooth operational management of the office and for the organization of special events.
  • He/she is (jointly) responsible for non-financial operational management tasks.
  • Providing the mission management with effective support;
  • He/she is jointly responsible for the logistics of mission events.
  • He/she is providing to the mission high quality management information which meets the applicable parameters;
  • Maintaining a network that is relevant to his/her job;


Human resources management:

  • The operational manager is jointly responsible for coordinating and supporting – in the broadest sense – the section's staff.
  • The operational manager acts as P-manager for the consular officer and the management supporter

Financial affairs:

  • Coordinates and implements the administrative management
  • Executes the financial settlements of projects as well as the regular payments of the CG by encoding and scanning invoices, determines importance and urgency for the initiation of (emergency) payments, sending invoices digitally, advises about questions relating to the progress of payments etc.;
  • Takes care of the financial settlements of cash- and bank transactions;
  • Advises correctly, effectively and within set time limits on administrative and financial settlements regarding projects, regular and emergency payments, claims, compiling expense reports etc.;
  • Sets up and keeps project and accounting records and ensures they are accessible, accurate and well-coordinated;
  • The operational manager is jointly responsible (together with other Governmental departments) for the accounts receivable and payable records, for checks on these records,  and for contributing to the mission's spending plan.


  • The operational manager is responsible for managing inventory, updating inventory lists, and minor maintenance and repairs, both in the office and in the residence.
  • He/she is responsible to ensure clean offices by supervising the cleaning company.
  • He/she is responsible for indentifying housing for the expat staff; keeping contacts with the real estate agents/owners and intermediates in case of problems/maintenance.

Information systems and ICT:

  • The operational manager is responsible for a properly functioning ICT infrastructure at the mission (GO-function).
  • He/she takes prompt action to find solutions whenever malfunctions or other problems arise.
  • Security (as dept BVA he/she is acting in close cooperation with the security officer (BVA) and dependent on the security situation in the region concerned):
  • He/she ensures safety and security by overseeing the periodic maintenance and testing of equipment, ensuring compliance with security procedures, and updating those procedures.

General support:

  • Ensuring that the applicable parameters – both legal and otherwise – are observed when purchase orders are placed;
  • Ensuring that third parties provide goods, services and works as agreed and, if necessary, requests quotations at restaurants, companies, hotels etc.
  • Ensuring that records ( Sophia – 247 Plaza - CRM) are kept properly.
  • Coordinates and implements the administrative management , taking into account prioritization of  specific tasks (including mailbox management, incoming and outgoing correspondence and telephone communication);
  • Providing support in the economic works f.i. organizing events and keep up networking.
  • He/she will be back up for the consular officer if absent (and, if necessary, the management support officer).
  • He/she is the BHV (after taking the appropriate course)

Scope for flexibility

  • The operational manager is a member of the Management Team. Under the responsibility of the Head of Mission and the guidance of the Deputy Head of Mission, the operational manager is jointly responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the MT.
  • The framework for the operational manager's duties consists of the applicable legislation, procedures and guidelines, and relevant products & services catalogues (PDCs), such as those of the FSO/missions, CSO and 3W.
  • The operational manager is:
  1. supervising the consular officer and the management support officer.
  2. contributing to the annual plan;
  3. achieving the objectives set out in the annual plan.

Educational requirements

  • Secondary vocational education (MBO) level or higher and three to five years of relevant work experience.

Other knowledge and skills

  • Knowledge of operational management, including financial affairs, administration, facilities management, ICT and security;
  • Ability to coordinate, promoting an open culture focused on cooperation and achieving results;
  • Social and communication skills;
  • Ability to deal with different interests;
  • Ability to identify and analyze developments and problems;
  • Ability to solve practical problems effectively and efficiently;
  • Proven success in coordinating a group;
  • Service-oriented attitude;
  • Affinity with Dutch work culture and business processes
  • Language skills: Dutch (mandatory), English, at least B2 level

Competencies under the job description and evaluation system

  • Client orientation
  • Ability to work with others
  • Keeping up a high level of integrity in the work process of the office and being a role model of integrity by him/herself.
  • External awareness
  • Ability to plan and organise
  • Ability to monitor progress
  • Self-development
  • Pro-active attitude


  • With the management team, to provide information about all aspects of operational management;
  • With the FSO, to coordinate services provided by the FSO to the mission;
  • With 3W, to coordinate its services to the mission;
  • With other missions, to share information and experiences;
  • With process owners at the Ministry in The Hague, to communicate about matters that, in accordance with the PDC;
  • With local authorities, federal government authorities (OFM) and businesses, to obtain documents, permits, information and services, and to inform them about the interpretation of certain legislation;
  • With suppliers and other businesses, to obtain information about the purchase and delivery of goods and services.

Working environment

The Consulate General in Chicago is a small mission representing the Netherlands in the Midwest with 3 expatriate and 11 local employees; The majority of staff is working in the economic or NFIA department. Three officers are in charge of consular and general affairs.

The geographic jurisdiction of the mission extends to the 13 states of the Midwest. In this jurisdiction the CG is supported by 6 honorary consuls. The mission is part of a broader network in the US, consisting of the Embassy in Washington DC, 5 CGs in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami and Atlanta as well as Netherlands Business Support Offices in Houston and L.A..

The role of the CG is primarily focused on economic diplomacy, trade and investment promotion. Consular support to Dutch citizens, cultural and political as well as public diplomacy work are also relevant tasks for the CG. In view of the small size of the mission local employees operate with a large degree of independence. They are responsible for the development and implementation of policies in their priority area(s) and are held accountable for the results they achieve. As the mission is small, staff members will have to provide back up for each other; flexibility and cooperation are necessities. The atmosphere is good and informal.

The office is centrally located on the 29th floor of 303 East Wacker in downtown Chicago and can easily be reached by public transportation.

Candidates resident in the US need a valid working permit –US citizens, greencard holders or A/G visum holders-. Non-resident candidates can obtain an A-2 visa. This visa will permit the candidate to work for a maximum of 5 years in the USA and is linked to the assignment in the CG. The partner or other family of the A-2 visa holder (if any) will not be able to obtain a work permit in the USA.

Additional comments

The Netherlands Government celebrates all forms of diversity and is deeply committed to foster an inclusive environment within its organization. Individuals interested in advancing these diversity goals are strongly encouraged to apply.