Freedom - United States
We embrace freedom, which creates a diverse and inclusive nation of people who thrive in an environment of equality.
The Netherlands and the United States are strong allies, and Dutch and American men and women have fought side-by-side in many operations and missions around the world. We continue to stand against naked aggression as we fully support Ukraine’s efforts to combat Russia’s invasion.
We remain eternally grateful for the American sacrifices to liberate the Netherlands in World War II.
The Netherlands Carillon, just outside Washington, D.C. next to Ar
We celebrate the fact that, since 1945, we have been living again in freedom. And we endeavor to protect that freedom together – for ourselves and for others, now and in the future.
The Netherlands is focused on solving global challenges through collaboration beyond borders. An open, inventive, and inclusive culture makes the Netherlands an ideal partner to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals that benefit the world.
Our own experiences play an important role in our international ambitions.
The Netherlands is trying to move away from being known as the second largest agricultural exporter in the world to a country that can serve as an example to other countries for the production of sustainably grown and produced food.
Our intensive agricultural production over the past decades has had a negative impact on our environment and biodiversity and is not in line with our future climate ambitions.
Dutch farmers, knowledge institutes, the private sector, and the government have been working together to provide an enabling environment for the development of new technologies, innovations, and practices that contribute to a more efficient and sustainable food system.
Our experience, technologies and innovations can also benefit other countries, including multiple regions of the United States.
As the world’s population grows, so does the economy and the demand for raw materials. But these raw materials are limited and will eventually run out. A circular economy that revolves around sustainability and sustainable solutions could solve that problem.
In a circular economy, resources are used for as long as possible to extract the maximum value, then recycled or upcycled when their product lifecycle ends.
The Dutch government is working with industry, civil-society organizations, knowledge institutions, and other authorities to work toward a sustainable economy for the future. In this circular economy, there will be no more waste, as resources will be used again and again.
The government-wide circular economy program sets out what we will need to do to achieve a circular Dutch economy by 2050. The circular economy drives innovation and job growth. By 2023, the circular economy in the Netherlands is expected to account for a market value of 7.3 billion euros and 54,000 jobs.
Rising living standards and improvements in healthcare and technology mean that people are living longer. However, rising living standards and changing diets also bring threats such as obesity and diabetes.
Being able to grow up and get old in a healthy way is supported by the UN. Not only healthcare, but also technological development and sports can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
The Dutch healthcare sector has a strong global position. This is partly due to Dutch openness and willingness to share knowledge within a tight-knit scientific community. The Netherlands is a perfect platform from which to address the key global challenges facing healthy living today: aging populations, unhealthy lifestyles, chronic diseases (diabetes), and increasing healthcare costs.
Being able to grow up and get old in a healthy way is perhaps one of the most desirable and universal aims. It is a global goal, supported by the UN, to improve lifelong health and well-being. Not only healthcare, but also technological development and sports can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
When people think of creative industries, they often think of art studios, museums, orchestra halls, or theaters, and rightly so. But creative industries encompasses so much more, including architecture and sustainable urban design.
The Dutch approach to sustainable urban design takes an integrated approach to creating buildings and cities that are resilient to social and environmental challenges.
For example, the Netherlands itself is forged by hand. Topographical and social circumstances, such as low-lying land, the presence of large areas of water, the focus on sustainability, and the lack of living space, have led to innovative architectural solutions.
Whether it’s a groundbreaking approach to protect the land from flooding or developing innovative products for the future, the Netherlands is known for its pragmatic, innovative approach to design.