
Monitoring of the projects

Embassy prefers partnership and more intense communication during the implementation of the project, this is why every two months the applicant is requested to inform the Embassy about:
  • The state of the project implementation;
  • Any needs/requests you may have;
  • Any problems or challenges;
  • General situation in the project and in your organization;
  • This message can be written in Belarusian or Russian;
  • Please stay in touch with the Embassy also if all is fine;

Please do not expect that the Embassy will send an email to the grantee and request to submit interim reports. Every two months the Embassy awaits a “signal” from a grantee, this is also to check the beneficiary’s willingness to communicate with the donor, to monitor and afterwards to evaluate the grantee as a partner and a project implementer.

If the project activities allow to monitor viewership or readership the Embassy requests the grantee to allow MATRA/HRF officer to follow this data:
  • Grantees may do it either through allowing a special account (agreed with the Embassy) to track statistics;
  • In case of printed materials – by providing regular information about issues printed, sold and returned;
  • Grantees are requested to include the Embassy into emailing lists and invite/inform Embassy representatives about events that are organized by them;